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Wadcutter conversion

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Wadcutter conversion Empty Wadcutter conversion

Post by Cousin Jack Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:49 pm

Hello, my first post here.   I have a pretty good wadcutter gun, that I want to convert to hardball.   I need s bullseye smith in the Pacific Northwest area that can install iron sights for me and maybe weight my trigger a little.... any help?
Cousin Jack
Cousin Jack

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Wadcutter conversion Empty Re: Wadcutter conversion

Post by LenV Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:31 pm

There is a lot of information on this forum about how to raise the poundage a little on a 1911. If you are mechanically inclined at all it is easy to do. I am not sure that I would convert a good wad gun to a ball gun but I am sure you have your reasons. Roddy Toyota is in Springfield, OR and does that type of work. Another option would be to replace the slide with one that is ready to go. Then you still have your ball gun after you get all your points towards distinguished. One like this. http://www.ebay.com/itm/COLT-1911-military-National-Match-45acp-slide-w-Triangle-sight-Camp-Perry-/272081549802?hash=item3f5952f9ea:g:M2oAAOSwk1JWdJBT.

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Wadcutter conversion Empty Re: Wadcutter conversion

Post by Jack H Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:10 pm

Cousin Jack, long time no email Smile

Roddy is your go to guy.  He is right now converting my HB gun into a second wad gun for me.  Roddy made the HB gun on a Baer frame and slide.  It's test target as a HB gun was 1/16 over 1 inch with the Nosler bullets.

Jack H
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Jack H

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Wadcutter conversion Empty Re: Wadcutter conversion

Post by Cousin Jack Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:44 pm

Jack H wrote:Cousin Jack, long time no email Smile

Roddy is your go to guy.  He is right now converting my HB gun into a second wad gun for me.  Roddy made the HB gun on a Baer frame and slide.  It's test target as a HB gun was 1/16 over 1 inch with the Nosler bullets.

Jack H

Jack H.....    where do I know you from??!!   For the life of me I can't place you, sorry...... Embarassed Embarassed    From the responses, it sounds like I shouldn't turn my wadcutter gun into an HB..... I've yet to shoot Bullseye outdoors and I have no idea what I'm doing;  maybe I should just get a Springfield RO?   At my age, I'm probably never gonna leg out anyway, but I'd like to shoot leg matches..... I do have a pretty fair Series 70 Colt Combat Commander, too....but they're not gonna let me shoot that in EIC, are they?
Cousin Jack
Cousin Jack

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Wadcutter conversion Empty Re: Wadcutter conversion

Post by weber1b Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:43 pm

Nowadays they probably would, but an RO is a great choice for that anyway. You can shoot it straight out of the box without any changes to start with. If you shoot that wadcutter gun in a few outdoor matches you might find yourself getting hooked.


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