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Time for another mystery gun

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Time for another mystery gun Empty Time for another mystery gun

Post by SSgtG 3/7/2016, 4:59 pm

A friend of mine showed this High Standard to me last weekend. He said a nieghbor brought it over and asked if he was interested in it. They had no information on the history or the gunsmith. It is an Olympic in .22 short but the slide has been highly modified and the barrel drilled with some port holes although they are near the chamber. See the pics at:https://s1133.photobucket.com/user/midegim/library/


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Time for another mystery gun Empty Re: Time for another mystery gun

Post by r_zerr 3/7/2016, 5:28 pm

Looks to me as if someone was willing to whittle things away to reduce recoil even more. The barrel porting is not very nice.

Those extra holes in the barrel could be used to mount a gas-operated scope base! (if you could find one that is as poorly drilled to match up with them)



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Time for another mystery gun Empty Re: Time for another mystery gun

Post by Jack H 3/7/2016, 6:57 pm

High Standard was into some deep R&D for Olympic RF guns.  Find John Stimsons High Standard website and forum.
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Jack H

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Time for another mystery gun Empty Re: Time for another mystery gun

Post by 310yuma 3/7/2016, 7:04 pm

Looks similar to a gun that the US Air Force built back in the late  60;s  for International Rapid fire .They had several versions.

Ron , looking forward to seeing you and William at the New Mexico State Match in October


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Time for another mystery gun Empty Re: Time for another mystery gun

Post by james r chapman 3/7/2016, 7:40 pm

I wonder if those screw holes weren't for venting pressure much like the meat shooters do to their shotguns to slow down the projectile...
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Time for another mystery gun Empty Re: Time for another mystery gun

Post by 310yuma 3/7/2016, 8:02 pm

The holes are for venting gas plus they are threaded to allow to tune the gun for different ammo.


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Join date : 2016-02-12

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Time for another mystery gun Empty Re: Time for another mystery gun

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