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What size dot?

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What size dot do you prefer for traditional (25yd/50yd) bullseye shooting?

What size dot? Vote_lcap53%What size dot? Vote_rcap 53% 
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What size dot? Vote_lcap30%What size dot? Vote_rcap 30% 
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What size dot? Vote_lcap10%What size dot? Vote_rcap 10% 
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What size dot? Vote_lcap5%What size dot? Vote_rcap 5% 
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Total Votes : 40
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What size dot? Empty What size dot?

Post by Jwhelan939 4/15/2016, 10:11 am

Hey all,

The interweb seems to be filled with opinions on this, however, they are mostly for MSR use.  I have my own thoughts and preferences, but I thought it would be interesting to see what size dot the majority of you guys and girls prefer. Thank you.


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Age : 41
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What size dot? Empty Re: What size dot?

Post by dronning 4/15/2016, 10:37 am

Jwhelan939 wrote:Hey all,

The interweb seems to be filled with opinions on this, however, they are mostly for MSR use.  I have my own thoughts and preferences, but I thought it would be interesting to see what size dot the majority of you guys and girls prefer. Thank you.

Done about a year ago::

- Dave
2 moaWhat size dot? Vote_lcapWhat size dot? Voting_barWhat size dot? Vote_rcap 35% [ 27 ]
4 moaWhat size dot? Vote_lcapWhat size dot? Voting_barWhat size dot? Vote_rcap 47% [ 37 ]
8 moaWhat size dot? Vote_lcapWhat size dot? Voting_barWhat size dot? Vote_rcap 14% [ 11 ]
12 moaWhat size dot? Vote_lcapWhat size dot? Voting_barWhat size dot? Vote_rcap 1% [ 1 ]
reticle instead of dotWhat size dot? Vote_lcapWhat size dot? Voting_barWhat size dot? Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
What the heck is a dot.What size dot? Vote_lcapWhat size dot? Voting_barWhat size dot? Vote_rcap 3% [ 2 ] 
Total Votes : 78

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What size dot? Empty Re: What size dot?

Post by Jwhelan939 4/15/2016, 12:09 pm

Man... I'm sorry for the repost then. Thank you for pointing it out.


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Age : 41
Location : Kintnersville, PA

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What size dot? Empty Re: What size dot?

Post by jmdavis 4/15/2016, 12:32 pm

I've pretty much settled on the 4moa dot, BUT there are days that the two MOA seems much clearer.

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What size dot? Empty Re: What size dot?

Post by LenV 4/15/2016, 1:14 pm

The 2 moa has smaller star bursts and multiple dots. YMMV Smile

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What size dot? Empty Re: What size dot?

Post by Bigtrout 4/15/2016, 1:54 pm

The 3 MOA FF3 dot is kind of starry at the next to lowest intensity.  My UD Micro 2 MOA looks like a perfect circle at the next to lowest intensity.

Last edited by Bigtrout on 4/16/2016, 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total

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What size dot? Empty Re: What size dot?

Post by Jwhelan939 4/16/2016, 6:15 am

For those of you that said you switch dot size from long to shirt line, does the dot keep zeroed when you switch?


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What size dot? Empty Re: What size dot?

Post by Jack H 4/16/2016, 11:29 am

Jwhelan939 wrote:For those of you that said you switch dot size from long to shirt line, does the dot keep zeroed when you switch?

I tried it.  It changes.  Different scopes might change different amount.  Now I just stick to the 8 MOA
Jack H
Jack H

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