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weight of compensator affects slide.

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weight of compensator affects slide.  Empty weight of compensator affects slide.

Post by Guest 4/29/2016, 11:05 am

I put a 2.35 oz compensator on a 1911 style, 9mm pistol, this came as a dual caliber pistol. The pistol shot fine with the other caliber, but with the 9mm, I keep getting Jam's or not compete into battery. Would I just need to reduce the length of the recoil spring? Thanks in advance.


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weight of compensator affects slide.  Empty Re: weight of compensator affects slide.

Post by Jon Eulette 4/29/2016, 11:08 am

Comps can put downward pressure on slide from weight/gravity and gas pressure. If its not going completely into battery shorter/lighter spring won't help. Cone or bushing barrel?
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Post by Guest 4/29/2016, 11:13 am

this is a bushing barrel. and some of the rounds are just jammed into the front below the breach, I wish the barrel had a feed ramp, I feel it would have helped alot, this is also standard factory ammo, no plus P. The 22TCM Cartridge performed without a hitch.
Different recoil spring of course.

Last edited by smithfan4152 on 4/29/2016, 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add)


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Post by Jon Eulette 4/29/2016, 11:31 am

9Mm is pretty forgiving cartridge without feedramp/supported barrel. Barrel should have approx 1/32" space from frame ramp to barrel ramp. If not rounds will stick. Also if mag springs too heavy will cause nose dive cartridge when feeding. I like bushing comp setup better than cone.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Post by Guest 4/29/2016, 11:35 am

Thank you, some are nose diving, and some partially chamber,  I had asked them about a dedicated 9mm mag, nothing meant for the 22TCM. I failed to get a good response. It's a 16 round mag, I will try loading fewer rounds.


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Post by igolfat8 4/29/2016, 2:12 pm

Use a lighter recoil spring. An efficient comp takes energy away from the slide and to stiff of a recoil spring will not allow the slide to cycle far enough to the rear causing short stroking, feeding jams or stove pipes. My stock (Glock) spring is 16# and now I am running 12# with comp and major power factor loads.


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Post by Guest 4/29/2016, 4:52 pm

Thanks again I will try to find out what weight spring my pistol is using for 9mm and contact Wolf spring, I can always clip a coil or so at a time to get it where it needs to be.  Thank you again.


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Post by aaronb 4/30/2016, 12:59 pm

Is that gun the rock island 22 tcm?   Those guns come with two recoil springs of different rates , One for the 22 tcm and the other for the 9mm.  Maybe you're using the wrong spring with the 9mm.


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Post by Guest 4/30/2016, 1:15 pm

You are correct about the mfg and pistol, It came set up for 22TCM, which I fired with the compensator, Then I Completely changed it over to 9mm including the spring.  I Found the 9mm spring to be much stronger, and more difficult to close the bushing on.  I will have to contact wolfe spring and find out what weights they have. Thanks.


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Post by Guest 5/1/2016, 10:43 am

Returned to the range today, shooting the TCM Tac OPs elite in 9mm with the stock bushing, First round chambers when the slide is let go, the rest all nose dive into the frame. The magazines have near 1/4 inch clearance between the end of the 9mm bullet and the front of the magazine.  I feel there is too much room for the next round to be dragged forward out of position when it's time to chamber the second round. It's going back to them for repair, if this can even be repaired.


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