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what is the difference????

Chris Miceli
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what is the difference???? Empty what is the difference????

Post by SW-52 7/21/2016, 4:59 pm

hi,im not expert on this and i want to learn the difference between a traditional 1911 trigger job and roll trigger kit,thanks!!!

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by Chris Miceli 7/21/2016, 5:14 pm

not sure about traditional.. crisp triggers and long roll triggers and everything in between.  I shoot such a microscopic roll on my 22 conversion that its a crisp.   and a really short roll on my wadgun and ball gun.

Doug Hall has this cool machine where he can map your trigger,pretty cool guys as well.  Hopefully he can post some pics up so you can get a better picture of a roll. 

Red = ball gun
Blue =wad gun 

set up by KC w/ his kits  I had repeat visits to KC after range time to shorten my rolls bit by bit. I am not skilled enough to shoot a long roll.

what is the difference???? F5a55bf7-b1d8-41b4-a180-eb6ab27e6a50

Last edited by Christopher Miceli on 7/21/2016, 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

Chris Miceli

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by dronning 7/21/2016, 5:16 pm

A crisp trigger once you take up the slack you increase the pressure until the trigger breaks - like glass.

After take up a roll trigger continues to move while your increasing pressure then kind of releases, it should feel like it's on ball bearings, or butter, if not then it's just a creapy bad trigger.

- Dave

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by SW-52 7/21/2016, 5:17 pm

thank you christopher and congratulations!!!

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by LenV 7/21/2016, 5:19 pm


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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by SW-52 7/21/2016, 5:29 pm


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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by igolfat8 7/21/2016, 8:03 pm

I come from a speed shooting background primarily with striker fired pistols. I recently shot 4 BE 1911's built by a master gunsmith. 3 Had fantastic glass break triggers and one had KC's roll trigger that the GS had tweaked a bit. It was fun dry firing and shooting each one and I could easily feel the differences between the 4. Of the group I preferred the feel of the roll trigger the most. Perhaps its closer to what I am used to?


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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by Chris Miceli 7/21/2016, 8:12 pm

I would say a striker gun has a lot of swing. I know for a fact I thought I loved my trigger dry firing it but when I got to the range I knew I wanted the roll shorter

Chris Miceli

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by kc.crawford.7 7/22/2016, 4:56 am

The best explanation I have is a crisp trigger you pull through the initial slack and start building weight against the sear.  When the set amount of weight is reached the sear will let go of the hammer hooks and the pistol will fire.  With the roll trigger after you pull through the initial slack and start building weight you are able to feel the sear moving against the hammer hooks for the duration of the trigger pull until the sear releases the hooks and the pistol fires.  Phillip Hemphill told me Saturday night at the awards ceremony that he likes my trigger so well because of all the years he shot revolvers.  He is used to the double action pull of a revolver and my roll trigger kit comes as close as possible to duplicating that feel in a 1911.

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by SW-52 7/22/2016, 6:33 pm

kc.crawford.7 wrote:The best explanation I have is a crisp trigger you pull through the initial slack and start building weight against the sear.  When the set amount of weight is reached the sear will let go of the hammer hooks and the pistol will fire.  With the roll trigger after you pull through the initial slack and start building weight you are able to feel the sear moving against the hammer hooks for the duration of the trigger pull until the sear releases the hooks and the pistol fires.  Phillip Hemphill told me Saturday night at the awards ceremony that he likes my trigger so well because of all the years he shot revolvers.  He is used to the double action pull of a revolver and my roll trigger kit comes as close as possible to duplicating that feel in a 1911.
the tear drop is a drop in kit for a range officer?

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by kc.crawford.7 7/22/2016, 6:54 pm

Yes the Tear Drop, Tac II or the Battle Axe with fit a Range Officer.

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what is the difference???? Empty Re: what is the difference????

Post by SW-52 7/23/2016, 3:09 pm

kc.crawford.7 wrote:Yes the Tear Drop, Tac II or the Battle Axe with fit a Range Officer.
thank you Kc!

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