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Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts

Chris Miceli
james r chapman
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Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts - Page 2 Empty Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts

Post by Tim:H11 8/1/2016, 4:56 am

First topic message reminder :

So I feel like I've asked this before here and I can not find the thread. So I'll ask again. Sorry. 

I've seen pictures of pistol boxes online with guns facing either direction inside the box. And I feel that the box idea was intended to have guns facing either way. Especialy since some of the target grips are too big to put next to one another. How ever I see a lot of boxes with guns all facing one way. Is there a "un-written rule" on how guns should be inside the box? Because I would REALLY like to move some guns around in my box to fit better.

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Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts - Page 2 Empty Re: Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts

Post by rreid 8/2/2016, 2:43 am

Outthere wrote:I went through this a few years ago at Perry.

I pointed out to the official that all the boxes,(and the guns inside them),were pointing in different directions when being transported to the firing line.

They are also pointing every which way at the ready line.

And how about the boxes' directions when being loaded and unloaded from the cars in the parking lot?

It's much ado about nothing.
As I said,  I don't care which way the guns face inside the case. What I do care about is where they're pointed when people are handling them.

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Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts - Page 2 Empty Re: Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts

Post by LenV 8/2/2016, 3:13 am

I actually had a picture of the box heading to a match. Talk about Old School. Model 41 A series, Model 52 no dash and a Colt Gold Cup. Notice the right side grip of the Gold Cup is removed and is sits in open area under pistols. This is a 3 gun box but I have the additional tray underneath. Still Old School the extra tray holds a 25-2 my Reeves gun.


Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts - Page 2 Dscf0614

Lower tray:
Pistol Box Do's and Don'ts - Page 2 Dscf0615

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