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Any opinions on Magnus 155 gr lswc?

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Any opinions on Magnus 155 gr lswc? Empty Any opinions on Magnus 155 gr lswc?

Post by Lightfoot 8/29/2016, 5:09 pm

I just saw that Magnus has a 155 gr .452 swc bullet available. My thinking is that this bullet might reduce recoil some making my sustained fire a little more controlable. Has anyone tried them?

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Any opinions on Magnus 155 gr lswc? Empty Re: Any opinions on Magnus 155 gr lswc?

Post by DavidR 8/29/2016, 7:11 pm

Kind of backwards to how it really works... lighter the bullet the more powder it takes to push it, more powder more recoil, I haven't shot a 155 since laser cast use to make them, they would only work for 25 yds and they kicked like a 185 when you got them loaded so they were accurate. Many shoot the 160 lswc but loaded to get them accurate is about 4.3 gr of bullseye and again good for short line only.

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