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Bolt pin for a Model 41

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Bolt pin for a Model 41 Empty Bolt pin for a Model 41

Post by BryanGA 2/11/2012, 10:03 pm

My bolt pin is loose and will start to work it's way out the left side of the bolt after a few rounds. Would someone know what size pin that is and what the nest size up would be?

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Join date : 2012-01-31
Age : 63
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Bolt pin for a Model 41 Empty Re: Bolt pin for a Model 41

Post by SMBeyer 2/11/2012, 10:38 pm


It's not the size of the pin that is the problem. When I got done shooting our league a couple of weeks ago I put the gun in the box and was shooting my SSP for international practice and noticed something was sticking out of my 41. It was the bolt pin that had broke in half. Apparently this is pretty common. I ordered a new one from Brownells and it was loose also so I called and asked my gunsmith about it and he said according to Smith you are supposed to replace it everytime you remove it. If you look closely at the right side the pin is dished or "hollow". The hole in the slide is also chamfered because that dished end of the pin is supposed to be expanded into the chamfer of the slide a little and that locks it in place. Look at your pin if some of that dished part of your pin is broken off you need to replace. If not you can expand it yourself with either a round end punch or a ball bearing of the appropiate size. I bought a regular flat end punch and ground a radius on the end. Then place the slide on a hard surface, I used a piece of steel with a piece of paper on it so I wouldn't scratch anything. That pin must be pretty hard because it took more force than I thought it would to expand it. I started pretty easy and just kept checking to see if it was getting tighter and then adjusted the force till it was fairly tight. If you use the ball bearing just be sure you strike only the bearing and not the slide. I'm a carpenter and cabinet maker and definately not a gunsmith but this was very simple. Or take it to a gunsmith and disregard my rambling.

I just noticed today a tiny ding on the back of the frame where the firing pin must have droped down and almost out of the slide and dinged it ever so slightly when the slide went forward. I dont know how long the pin was broke but what are the chances it broke on the last shot? With me being left handed when I am done shooting I place the gun on the right side and never saw it. Anyway more rambling... good luck, Scott and welcome to this addiction known as pistol shooting!

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Bolt pin for a Model 41 Empty Re: Bolt pin for a Model 41

Post by BryanGA 2/11/2012, 10:46 pm

I will order a few new pins. I think I will get a buffer and some springs while I am at it.

Posts : 104
Join date : 2012-01-31
Age : 63
Location : Woodstock, Georgia

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