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SIG .22 conversion

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SIG .22 conversion Empty SIG .22 conversion

Post by Froneck 4/11/2017, 10:48 am

This may have been a topic before but looking at ebay I see SIG makes a .22 conversion for the 1911. Any good?? Better than a Nelson?? I understand the Nelson is better than the Marvel.
Kinda interested in trying one. I'm looking for something that will function reliably. I hate to start "Fixing" something new that is supposed to work!


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SIG .22 conversion Empty Re: SIG .22 conversion

Post by Jon Eulette 4/11/2017, 11:05 am

No idea about the Sig. I wouldn't say a Nelson is better than a Marvel. I've shot both and built both. I have 2 Marvels that shoot sub .75" with most everything and hover at .50" with the good stuff. They run perfectly. I haven't bought a Nelson because I have two Marvels, but I build many (Nelsons) of them each year and like them. Different but same :p)
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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SIG .22 conversion Empty Re: SIG .22 conversion

Post by Jack H 4/11/2017, 11:47 am

I have the Sig conversion for a P220.  Not the same as in your question, but it is definitely not a target set up. Sigs are for a totally different purpose.  In the black at 25 is the best I have seen.  Plus the chamber feed is cut so much under the rim that it is bulging brass.  I also had to adjust the extractor shape and shorten the spring.  I am soured on Sig conversions.  But not on the plain Sig Centerfires, 239 225 228 etc.  I especially like the newer 225a
Jack H
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SIG .22 conversion Empty Re: SIG .22 conversion

Post by jmdavis 4/11/2017, 12:52 pm

The SIG conversion is the GSG.It's not in the same league as the Marvel or Nelson. But the mags are good.

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SIG .22 conversion Empty Re: SIG .22 conversion

Post by Froneck 4/11/2017, 10:46 pm

Thanks guys, Guess the SiG is out, looking for something better than holding Black at 25 yards. I'd be disappointed if it shot 1" at 25 yards. Looking for something better that 1" at 50 yards! Jon's Marvels are more of what I'm looking for.


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Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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