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DR Mount recieved

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DR Mount recieved Empty DR Mount recieved

Post by Magload 4/19/2017, 3:11 pm

I received my BME S&W 52 DR mount for my 52-2 and got it installed.  Perfect fit more then I can say for other brand adapters I have bought.  Installed my FastFire III on it and I am ready for range test tomorrow.  I don't think a reflex dot is going to work well for BE outdoors but I will see.  I do have a QI on order that replaces the right grip if I need to mount my Matchdot II .  Really don't want to do it that way as I have some nice Rosewood grips on order from Altamont.  The QI has a thin grip built on it and maybe I can some how remove that and figure out how to attach the Altamont grip.  Gorilla Glue maybe.  Maybe just use the left grip only.  With this gun it is like putting lipstick on a pig anyway.  Don

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DR Mount recieved Empty Re: DR Mount recieved

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 4/19/2017, 4:36 pm

If the gun is already ugly no worries, but it seems that everyone I've talked to about the grip replacement mount have had issues with finish removal.  I can show you mine.  Crying or Very sad

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DR Mount recieved Empty Re: DR Mount recieved

Post by Magload 4/19/2017, 7:00 pm

Steve no need I believe this gun had one on it some time before I got it as it is missing blueing the same place as Len's gun did.  I cleaned it up and put some bottle cold blue on it for now.  Don

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2016-11-18
Age : 78
Location : NE Florida

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