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First outdoor 2700

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First outdoor 2700 Empty First outdoor 2700

Post by Multiracer 5/4/2017, 8:03 am

I had the pleasure of shooting my first 2700 outdoors at Bristol, Indiana last Saturday.
The club was wonderful and so were the competitors, I understand I was in some pretty good company, both young and old.
The weather was breezy, drizzle, overcast with a high of about 56 degrees.
I made it through with only a couple of hiccups and ended with my score of 2037.
The winner of the match had a score of 2620.
I cant wait for the next one.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Tim:H11 5/4/2017, 8:52 am

Congrats on breaking the ice! Keep chipping away at it. It's a lot of fun.

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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Magload 5/4/2017, 11:13 am

Gratz on doing your first 2700.  That is a lot of shooting not sure I have the endurance for a 2700.  Don

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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Multiracer 5/4/2017, 11:25 am

I must say, after the rain, the wind and all that shooting I was pretty pooped !
It truly showed me just how out of shape I have become. I am working on fitness one level at a time, right now it is arm and grip strength.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by javaduke 5/4/2017, 12:21 pm

If you think 2700 is hard, think again - we'll be shooting the CA State championship in Sacramento this weekend, full 2700 plus EIC plus .22 EIC plus DR - pretty much like 3600! It also takes me about 2 hours to get there and then another 2 hours to drive back home after the full day of shooting Smile My wife says I'm totally crazy and I completely agree.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Multiracer 5/4/2017, 3:17 pm

Good luck. It took us 3.5 hrs each way and we only had a 1/2 hr lunch break.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Tim:H11 5/4/2017, 3:58 pm

In a couple weeks or so we've gr regionals here. A short course 2700 on Friday and the regionals spread across Saturday and Sunday. I'm firing all three days I think. Gonna be a lot of ammo!

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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Warhorse 5/9/2017, 8:47 am

Congratulations on your first outdoor 2700.

Have you ever shot an indoor 25yrd 2700?

I just shot my first 2700, an indoor 25yrd. I was surprised how tired I was after it.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Guest 6/18/2017, 6:14 pm

Rather than start a new thread I'll revive this one.

I also just shot my first 2700 yesterday at Tri Counties Gun Club outside Portland, OR. The 2700 was followed by EIC and Dustinguished Revolver matches (DR was cancelled, alas due to lack of sign ups.. too bad I was ready for it). The dedicated Bullseye range with hydraulic targets was pretty snazzy. The guys were great too, and helpful to a new shooter. I shot my Smith model 41 using Norma match 22 ammo. I shot my Smith 14-3 using Federal 158gr LRN (was also going to DR, remember). I shot my Bob Chow Colt 1911 using SWC reloads at 770 fps. Shooting pistol offhand at 50 yards is a lot harder than shooting rifle at 600 yards (I do Highpower too). Iron sights were fine for me since my wobble is so pronounced that optics won't do much for me until I settle down more. I looked through another shooter's optic and I liked how it lined things up, but that tiny red dot was sure dancing all over the place! I won't tell you my embarrassingly bad scores but I had so much fun I will be back for the next one.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Mike38 6/18/2017, 7:04 pm

YourHuckleberry wrote:.....that tiny red dot was sure dancing all over the place!

That is why I use iron sights. My brain is not wired like normal people (Anyone that knows me can vouch for that) Razz  and when I see that dot dancing around, I fight it making things worse. Even though I know that I shouldn't let it bother me, something in my brain tells me to fight that dancing dot and everything falls apart. So I stick with irons. I know that the pistol is still dancing around just the same, but I don't notice it near as much so I actually do better with irons. I've given dot sights an honest attempt, just can't seem to overcome the mental game.

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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by LenV 6/19/2017, 5:25 pm

YourHuckleberry wrote:Rather than start a new thread I'll revive this one.

I also just shot my first 2700 yesterday at Tri Counties Gun Club outside Portland, OR. The 2700 was followed by EIC and Dustinguished Revolver matches (DR was cancelled, alas due to lack of sign ups.. too bad I was ready for it). The dedicated Bullseye range with hydraulic targets was pretty snazzy. The guys were great too, and helpful to a new shooter. I shot my Smith model 41 using Norma match 22 ammo. I shot my Smith 14-3 using Federal 158gr LRN (was also going to DR, remember). I shot my Bob Chow Colt 1911 using SWC reloads at 770 fps. Shooting pistol offhand at 50 yards is a lot harder than shooting rifle at 600 yards (I do Highpower too). Iron sights were fine for me since my wobble is so pronounced that optics won't do much for me until I settle down more. I looked through another shooter's optic and I liked how it lined things up, but that tiny red dot was sure dancing all over the place! I won't tell you my embarrassingly bad scores but I had so much fun I will be back for the next one.
There will not be a match there (Portland) in July because of Nationals. Your just going to have to come down for the State matches in Springfield. It is a two day match so should be lots of room. There was nothing embarrassing about your scores. Come down and have some fun. We should have enough wheel gun shooters there you can shoot that DR match. You probably met the match director Sunday. Roddy was shooting in HM all by himself.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Guest 6/19/2017, 11:04 pm

Yes, I met Roddy at the match. It was great having a real Bullseye gunsmith there. He looked over my Chow for me and gave good advice. Now I'm conflicted, though, because there is also a 2-day Highpower match this weekend. For the first time I'll have to decide which I love more. Ack!


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Chris Miceli 6/20/2017, 1:01 am

LenV wrote:
YourHuckleberry wrote:Rather than start a new thread I'll revive this one.

I also just shot my first 2700 yesterday at Tri Counties Gun Club outside Portland, OR. The 2700 was followed by EIC and Dustinguished Revolver matches (DR was cancelled, alas due to lack of sign ups.. too bad I was ready for it). The dedicated Bullseye range with hydraulic targets was pretty snazzy. The guys were great too, and helpful to a new shooter. I shot my Smith model 41 using Norma match 22 ammo. I shot my Smith 14-3 using Federal 158gr LRN (was also going to DR, remember). I shot my Bob Chow Colt 1911 using SWC reloads at 770 fps. Shooting pistol offhand at 50 yards is a lot harder than shooting rifle at 600 yards (I do Highpower too). Iron sights were fine for me since my wobble is so pronounced that optics won't do much for me until I settle down more. I looked through another shooter's optic and I liked how it lined things up, but that tiny red dot was sure dancing all over the place! I won't tell you my embarrassingly bad scores but I had so much fun I will be back for the next one.
There will not be a match there (Portland) in July because of Nationals. Your just going to have to come down for the State matches in Springfield. It is a two day match so should be lots of room. There was nothing embarrassing about your scores. Come down and have some fun. We should have enough wheel gun shooters there you can shoot that DR match. You probably met the match director Sunday. Roddy was shooting in HM all by himself.

debating coming out to WA for the state match in Sep.. you going ?

Chris Miceli

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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Allen Barnett 6/20/2017, 5:30 pm

Trying to decide between a rifle match and a bullseye match?  That is a no brainer!  Bullseye, who wants to roll around on the ground with the chiggers, ticks, and possibly mud.

Allen Barnett

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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by LenV 6/20/2017, 5:32 pm

I sent you a PM Chris

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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Multiracer 6/20/2017, 8:32 pm

OK, back to our original programming.
Since my OP I have found a couple flaws in my guns, repaired them, added a nice hook brace to the 45, started loading my own ammunition one at a time, learned a ton of stuff along the way and competed in quite a few more matches.
The good news is I broke 2100+ after being stuck in the low 2000,s for most of the last six weeks.
I am surrounded by good shooters and am grateful for that.


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by bdas 6/21/2017, 11:00 am

Multiracer... anything that you know now, that you wish you knew for your first match?


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First outdoor 2700 Empty Re: First outdoor 2700

Post by Multiracer 6/21/2017, 8:39 pm

There is plenty I wish I knew six months ago when I started.
Proper firearm handling. I muzzle swept a few before it sunk in.
Proper maintenance schedule of the firearms. So as not to get bit at a match by a dirty gun that wont fire or cycle correctly.
Preparation, both mentally and physically, before during and after a match. I needed tons of grip and arm strength conditioning and still need more.
Preparation of the equipment before a match. Be organized before you show up, the day goes smoother with less to think about.
Scoring correctly and swiftly. It has been a good long while since I had to do simple math on the fly in my head.
The proper support equipment to shoot both indoor and out. This took me a few months to collect most of it.
Concentrating on every aspect of the match itself. Ammo choice, stance, breathing, dot image, weather, etc.
Loading the correct loads and bullets for the match. ( I now have zero failures) Invest wisely in the reloading stuff.
Learning where all the matches are at in my area and where all the matches are posted.
I think most important has been listening to the advice given and plenty of practice. ( I can practice 25 yards indoors) Like I said, In this area I am surrounded by great shooters and most are very willing to help the noob.
In a nutshell these are just a few, there are many many more and as I attend matches and keep practicing some things are almost becoming a habit. I learn something new every time I pick the guns up.


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