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Nu Finish + Tumbling Brass

Chase Turner
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Nu Finish + Tumbling Brass - Page 2 Empty Nu Finish + Tumbling Brass

Post by retfed 5/23/2017, 7:40 am

First topic message reminder :

Been using Nu Finish in my tumbler for a long time. Did a search here for Nu Finish, with no results.

I add about a capful when I change out the corncob, or when cleaning seems to take longer than expected for the shine I want. But it is so thick, it glogs out, and it's almost impossible to "stream" into the running tumbler. I'd like to thin it out to get better distribution in the tumbler.

You apply Nu Finish with a damp cloth to a car, but it sure won't dilute with water.  Mixed some 50/50 with mineral spirits but it :curdled in the bottle and looked like cheese curds (after being stored for a while).  

I tried to contact Nu Finish online, but couldn't Find a spot, except under "questions?  read the "FAQ's section". Anybody have better luck with a "magic" solvent??  


Email  SCLOU171@gmail.com


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Location : South Carolina

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Nu Finish + Tumbling Brass - Page 2 Empty Re: Nu Finish + Tumbling Brass

Post by djw1cav 11/1/2023, 2:00 pm

I had a stuck pin last year.  If I remember correctly, I found it when reloading but was concerned about having the problem you described.  So, I tried wet tumbling without pins.  Its soooo easy.  Tumble wet, rinse, dump on a dry towel then let it dry for a couple of days.  The only downside is that the brass is not shiny.  (I don't care about shiny brass so this works for me.)


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Nu Finish + Tumbling Brass - Page 2 Empty Re: Nu Finish + Tumbling Brass

Post by rburk 11/1/2023, 11:03 pm

I am going try wet tumbling without pins.  The only reason I use pins is to clean the primer pockets.  I also had a pin stick in a case, it actually got stuck cross ways in the primer pocket.  I seated a live primer on top of it, couldn't figure out why the primer didn't seat properly.  Fortunately, I had sense enough to pull the bullet, and then I could see the pin in the flash hole.


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Location : SoCal

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