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Illinois firearms law question

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Illinois firearms law question Empty Illinois firearms law question

Post by mm1ut1 8/19/2017, 9:36 am

In a week or so I am going to put up for sale a couple of wad guns. I much prefer FTF transactions and since I live in southern Wisconsin there is a good possibility someone in northern Illinois may want to purchase them. My question is can I transport a handgun to Illinois where a buyer can test shoot it and then transfer through an Illinois ffl if a deal is reached? I'm in no way going to Chicago/Cook county.
Thanks in advance!


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Illinois firearms law question Empty Re: Illinois firearms law question

Post by JIMPGOV 8/19/2017, 9:49 am



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Illinois firearms law question Empty Re: Illinois firearms law question

Post by SteveT 8/20/2017, 11:27 am

The transfer across state lines must be done through a FFL, however there is no federal or IL State law that defines how that gun must be transported to the FFL. I think some states say the transport across state lines must be FFL in the selling state to FFL in the buying state, but IL does not have that kind of law.

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