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DAA Aimpoint Micro scope mount?

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DAA Aimpoint Micro scope mount? Empty DAA Aimpoint Micro scope mount?

Post by Saladman Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:27 pm

I was wondering, has anyone tried this red dot mount?  I was thinking about getting an Aimpoint or clone (such as a Holosun), and I wanted a mount that was low as possible.  The mount also looks easily removable for service pistol matches and so it would be perfect for a beginner like me!  But I do wonder about stability, as the Sam's mount looks almost hilariously overbuilt, but a lot of the other fairly common frame mounts that I've seen at local matches don't?

The gun it would go on is a Springfield Armory Range officer with a lot of upgrades, including acc-u-rails - meaning it should be tight enough for a frame mount optic.

Here is the link to the scope mount in question:


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DAA Aimpoint Micro scope mount? Empty Re: DAA Aimpoint Micro scope mount?

Post by dronning Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:46 pm

It looks similar to one Jerry Keefer made for one of his recent builds.
- Dave

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