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Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ?

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Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ? Empty Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ?

Post by Tim:H11 11/6/2017, 9:09 pm

Does anyone here have the Celestron 12-36X60 spotting scope? If so how does it do with rimfire holes at 50 yards? Good and bad about the scope?


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Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ? Empty Re: Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ?

Post by dronning 11/6/2017, 10:13 pm

I have the one Champion Choice sells I think it is the same scope (but more expensive).  I like it but there are times it is hard to see a 22 in the black @50yd if the light is wrong.  Would I buy it again, yes based on the size or cost of other options.

- Dave

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Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ? Empty Re: Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ?

Post by robert84010 11/7/2017, 4:07 pm

Just because it's 60mm doesn't mean it has a better image. You are better off finding a smaller but better quality scope. I suppose with most people using carts to drag their kits around Camp Perry my opinion doesn't make sense. I had to carry my kit through airports and range to range since I always flew to Perry, smaller is better!


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Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ? Empty Re: Can you tell me about the Celestron Landscout 12-36X60 ?

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