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Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911

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Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911 Empty Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911

Post by JNW1 1/11/2018, 7:02 am

Can you build a bull barrel 1911 that is as accurate as a bushing barrel gun?  I like the extra weight of a bull barrel.


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Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911 Empty Re: Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911

Post by Jon Eulette 1/11/2018, 8:30 am

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Jon Eulette

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Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911 Empty Re: Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911

Post by james r chapman 1/11/2018, 12:28 pm

JNW1, if your interested in bull barrels, You might want to peruse the late Jerry Keefer's photobucket pictures.

He had some pretty fantastic ways of doing them.
I'm sure Jon, K.C and others do also, but Jerry posted the best pics.

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911 Empty Re: Bushing barrel vs Bull barrel 1911

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