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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by Wobbley 5/7/2018, 11:46 am

I picked up 500 of these in 5 sealed factory boxes. Did anybody use these and develop any particular pet loads for them?
Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 09203f10
Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 09203f10


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Join date : 2015-02-12

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by james r chapman 5/7/2018, 1:28 pm

If there what I think, they shot well but had to be careful of bullet depth. They had a longer nose and less full dia bearing surface. So you couldn't seat them as deep as a Nosler/Zero
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by fc60 5/7/2018, 4:58 pm


They are similar to the Remington Wad Cutter bullets.

I have had good results with 4.6 grains of 700-X.

Test target is 50 yards via Gold Cup Barrel in a mechanical fixture.



Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 4_6_7010

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by Wobbley 5/7/2018, 8:00 pm

Thanks Jim and Dave.

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by john bickar 5/7/2018, 10:34 pm

Hm, I picked up 2,000 or so Hornady 185s in a horse trade with a fellow of ill repute. I’ll have to look to see if these were those.

Edit: looks to be the same. 45137B, .451 185GR SWC TAR.
john bickar
john bickar

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by Wobbley 5/7/2018, 10:51 pm

john bickar wrote:Hm, I picked up 2,000 or so Hornady 185s in a horse trade with a fellow of ill repute. I’ll have to look to see if these were those.

Edit: looks to be the same. 45137B, .451 185GR SWC TAR.

Mine were from a dealer in used loading components...but I’m sure the original purchaser was a bullseye shooter and we all know they’re pretty shady.

Well we have a datapoint for a load, above. Maybe we should share notes...

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by john bickar 5/7/2018, 11:01 pm

I think there was a thread on these not too long ago. Let’s see what my search-fu can turn up...


Wobbley, glad to see I’m not the only one with CRS.
john bickar
john bickar

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

Post by Wobbley 5/7/2018, 11:41 pm

I even looked at that thread not a month ago....

What day is it again?

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Join date : 2015-02-12

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Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513 Empty Re: Hornady 45 - 185 Target bullet #4513

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