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Beretta 92 recoil spring question.

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Beretta 92 recoil spring question. Empty Beretta 92 recoil spring question.

Post by Gunsnjeeps Tue May 29, 2018 7:19 pm

For 115 grain ammo what is the best weight recoil spring?  Or for specific weights rather than a spring that covers a weight range?  Playing with my Beretta for fun but want to keep it useful.  Wolff says the 13 pound hammer spring and standard weight trigger conversion unit will maintain a 4 pound CMP weight trigger.  So that part is decided, now just need the recoil spring for better handling.


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Beretta 92 recoil spring question. Empty Re: Beretta 92 recoil spring question.

Post by robert84010 Tue May 29, 2018 7:31 pm

Wolff makes just a couple of springs for the 92. You should probably buy the ones available and decide what works best for you and the ammo you use. I bought the 15lb. spring, very little difference.
You do not need the stock mainspring to make the 4 pound trigger weight and I highly recommend you change it for a better trigger break. There is a huge improvement to be gained there from a stock 92 trigger break.


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Beretta 92 recoil spring question. Empty Re: Beretta 92 recoil spring question.

Post by Gunsnjeeps Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:36 pm

I ordered parts last week and they are trickling in.  Ergo grips are here, Brownells is here, Wolff Springs should be here Wednesday or Thursday.  More to follow.


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Beretta 92 recoil spring question. Empty Re: Beretta 92 recoil spring question.

Post by NuJudge Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:53 pm

Something you may want to experiment with is  the Langdon Tactical "Trigger Job In A Bag" (TJIAB).  It uses the new Wilson trigger bar, the engagement surfaces are buffed, and one gets one's choice of mainspring weights:  I am experimenting with 13 and 14 pound weights.


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Age : 67
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Beretta 92 recoil spring question. Empty Re: Beretta 92 recoil spring question.

Post by Gunsnjeeps Wed Jun 06, 2018 12:18 pm

I found out about the trigger bar while I was looking at springs and the shorter pull trigger.  It might be a future part after this step.

I also started reading about the trigger job in a bag after I ordered some of my parts.


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Beretta 92 recoil spring question. Empty Re: Beretta 92 recoil spring question.

Post by Gunsnjeeps Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:39 pm

Finally made it to the range. I had one disapointment, two light strikes in double action out of 40 rounds.

The Ergo grips ended up 3 thousandths thicker.  The are a much better surface than the factory hard plastic grip.

The 13 pound hammer spring and Trigger Conversion Unit are a smooth consistent 5 pounds 10 for 10.  The old factory springs were 5 and a half but went from under five to almost seven in ten pulls.  Double action is more than my eight pound scale reads.  The hammer moves before eight pounds now.

I went with a factory weight recoil spring, after I got it I got an email that recommended 2 pounds heavier.

My only complaint was the light strikes.  Need reliable double action for 3 gun (or the odd non .45 carry day.)  If Wilson doesn't sell their draw bar I'll have to buy their kit even though I don't need the springs.


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