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This weird Russian PDF

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This weird Russian PDF Empty This weird Russian PDF

Post by Aufidius 6/9/2018, 11:16 pm


Does anyone have a good translation or copy of the attached, from Igor's site: https://sites.google.com/site/toz35blog/files (sovr_sport_oruj)

This weird Russian PDF Nigmic10


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Join date : 2018-02-02

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This weird Russian PDF Empty Re: This weird Russian PDF

Post by Oleg G 6/10/2018, 10:13 am

If it helps, the title is: Modern sporting weapons and their adjustments, by P. Danilov. Russian is my native language but I am not a translator. I once attempted to translate the Yur'ev's book and was defeated - complexity of the contents and an overabundance of specialized terms was way above my skill level. I flipped through this book and it's the same situation.

Oleg G
Oleg G

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This weird Russian PDF Empty Re: This weird Russian PDF

Post by Aufidius 6/11/2018, 7:04 pm

Oleg G wrote:If it helps, the title is: Modern sporting weapons and their adjustments, by P. Danilov. Russian is my native language but I am not a translator. I once attempted to translate the Yur'ev's book and was defeated - complexity of the contents and an overabundance of specialized terms was way above my skill level. I flipped through this book and it's the same situation.


Thanks Oleg- I can read the pictures OK, but sort of wish I knew what was being discussed. Really like the retro look!

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Join date : 2018-02-02

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