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Marvel Unit 1 vs. Advantage Arms 22T

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Marvel Unit 1 vs. Advantage Arms 22T Empty Marvel Unit 1 vs. Advantage Arms 22T

Post by Rob Kovach 9/21/2013, 10:06 pm

I found a good deal on an Advantage Arms 22T.  The 22T is the target model for Advantage Arms and is very similar to Marvel's Unit 1.  The AA has last round lockback.
To shoot SV ammo, Advantage Arms has you order their 8lb recoil spring.  
Notable differences: The AA has a rubber buffer on the recoil spring.  The magazines are plastic injected molded, and very lightweight--but they work flawlessly.  Being they are molded plastic, they wont need tuning.  Because of the magazines, the conversion is much lighter than a normal 1911.  I had no malfunctions, feeding or extraction problems during my initial testing of 300 rounds.

Here is the 50 yard test target-10 shots from a sandbag rest with ELEY Sport:  The main group is 0.698"
Marvel Unit 1 vs. Advantage Arms 22T WP_000496_zps4b79fb89

I did a side by side comparison with a Marvel Precision Unit 1 that I have owned for years.  To get reliable functioning I need to use a 17lb Mainspring with a 7lb recoil spring. With this setup, It is very reliable.   I use GSG magazines made from metal injection molding--they also never need tuning.  The only malfunctions I have are an occasional light hit because of the 17lb mainspring.  The factory included a 5 shot 50yard test target of .860" 

Here is today's 50 yard test target -- 10 shots from a sandbag rest with ELEY Sport: --the main group is 0.798"
Marvel Unit 1 vs. Advantage Arms 22T WP_000495_zps70633691

Advantage Arms has made a very bullseye capable conversion for only $349 that is equivalent to the Marvel that sells for $484.
I function tested the Advantage Arms on a stock Springfield Range Officer 1911 and a stock Rock Island Armory GI Compact as well as the custom lower for my Marvel and had no malfunctions or failures to feed.

I definitely recommend the Advantage Arms 22T.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Age : 50
Location : Brooklyn, WI

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Marvel Unit 1 vs. Advantage Arms 22T Empty Re: Marvel Unit 1 vs. Advantage Arms 22T

Post by dronning 9/24/2013, 8:50 am

They are a great deal for the money.  They were producing an accurized version in cooperation with Bob, the Marvel Custom Pro conversion.  Due to the high demand and back orders on the std. conversion they quit offering it.   I am on his waitlist for the Bob Marvel Custom Pro II.


I don't think Bob has been associated with the production of the Marvel Unit 1 since early 2004or5.

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