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A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable

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A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable Empty A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable

Post by mikemyers 7/9/2018, 6:53 pm

Some time back I posted a thread trying to find a decent bore light.  I've got lots, that are junk, and one good one that is no longer available.  My brother found one recently, his wife ordered it from Amazon..... I took one look and ordered four of them for myself.  The cost is just under $10.  One for my workshop, one to keep in my car, and two more for the future.  It doubles as a flashlight, but that's irrelevant to me....


A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable Screen16

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A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable Empty Re: A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable

Post by motorland 9/14/2022, 7:39 am

My friend was also recently looking for a good and, most importantly, small flashlight. Before that, he had a very compact and powerful flashlight, but unfortunately, it was unavailable anywhere. He also searched on Amazon and came across a led flashlight. He ordered it and seemed to be very pleased. But you can look at the hardware store; there are many different options at a very affordable price. I bought my flashlight in a similar store for 10 bucks, and it still works great.

Last edited by motorland on 9/20/2022, 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


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A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable Empty Re: A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable

Post by dannyd93140 9/14/2022, 8:27 am

These work great and are easy to use.


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A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable Empty Re: A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable

Post by james r chapman 9/14/2022, 10:03 am

That’s what I use, works well.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable Empty Re: A good bore light for a good price, that seems to be quite durable

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