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Pasting Targets?

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Pasting Targets? Empty Pasting Targets?

Post by Aufidius 9/8/2018, 6:43 pm


Like many, I try to make my shooting dollar go far. Are there any tricks to the trade on using black pasters for repairing target centers? Not thinking about on a 45 target, but more on the 22, which eventually gets shot by a 45. Do you have a good brand of stickers/pasters? Think the practice is silly? 

Long time listeners, first time callers, chime in!

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by TomH_pa 9/8/2018, 7:00 pm

Other than regular target pasters, I have used small pieces of masking tape and blacken them with a sharpie or just draw a line through the shot holes with a ballpoint pen


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by Dr.Don 9/8/2018, 7:36 pm

I only use plasters on full face targets. Bought by 100 the centers are only about 6-8 cents each.

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by Aufidius 9/8/2018, 7:51 pm

Dr.Don wrote:I only use plasters on full face targets. Bought by 100 the centers are only about 6-8 cents each.

Thanks Doc!

I use regular masking tape (sadly) for my buff mistakes, which sounds incredibly strange when I say it out loud to the dog.

I'm trying to get at whether it is false economy on targets, and I'm putting you down for the "yes, this is false economy," camp.

Where are you buying your targets, if you don't mind me asking?

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by pgg 9/8/2018, 8:53 pm

B6 and B8 repair centers are at Midway for $.06/each



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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by kjanracing 9/8/2018, 9:02 pm

There are programs that will print targets on your printer. I print 20 of each at a time and shoot&toss.

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by MarkOue 9/9/2018, 6:55 am

I shoot each repair cent 20 times for centerfire practice and sometimes 30 with .22.  Just score each 10 shots and you will know how you are shooting.  Shooting a few strings on one target will also clearly reveal where you are hitting, i.e. most center but a few low and left...

At $.06 each the cost is minuscule compared to the ammo used to punch 20+ holes.  Every year at Camp Perry I purchase 5 or more packs each of B-6 and B-8 targets.


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by 243winxb 9/9/2018, 8:41 am

My black pasters lost their sticky stuff   after a while. Now use masking tape.

Shoot targets  with 22 first, then 38 or 45 next.  20 0r 30 shots in strings of 10.

No more expensive staples to affix targets to backer. Push Pins are  cheaper, reusable and safer.  Ever have a extra long 9/16" staple punch through a sneaker, into your foot?
Pasting Targets? Attachment
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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by dronning 9/9/2018, 10:35 am

Every 2 years, to maximize shipping, I have been buying 1,000 B8-Repair Centers (10 packs) from Champions Choice.  I just started shooting 50 shots a target so I might not need any for quite a while.  I've been averaging 490 (rapid fire), still working on that first 50 shot clean.
- Dave

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by Dr.Don 9/9/2018, 3:16 pm

Midway and Brownells both sell the B6 and B8 centers pretty reasonably in packs of 100.  If you are a veteran you can get Brownells to mark your account as a veteran and you start getting a discount on a lot (not all) of their stuff.

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by zanemoseley 9/9/2018, 4:47 pm


I love the Kruger targets, so much nicer than the cheapo targets. On bullets like the Magnus #801 that don't cut really good holes you can actually see the shots a lot better.


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by mikemyers 9/9/2018, 4:54 pm

kjanracing wrote:There are programs that will print targets on your printer. I print 20 of each at a time and shoot&toss.
This is the site I used for downloading printable targets:


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by zanemoseley 9/9/2018, 4:57 pm

I don't see the advantage of printing your own. Printer paper sucks for targets and using all that black ink isn't cheap. You're saving pennies on targets then buying $30 ink cartridges.


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by DonBrummer 9/9/2018, 5:23 pm

zanemoseley wrote:I don't see the advantage of printing your own. Printer paper sucks for targets and using all that black ink isn't cheap. You're saving pennies on targets then buying $30 ink cartridges.


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by john bickar 9/9/2018, 5:30 pm

DonBrummer wrote:
zanemoseley wrote:I don't see the advantage of printing your own. Printer paper sucks for targets and using all that black ink isn't cheap. You're saving pennies on targets then buying $30 ink cartridges.


Y'all are too smart for your own good. The guys who are printing targets are not buying the toner cartridges OR the paper.
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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by zanemoseley 9/9/2018, 5:43 pm

Hell if you're gonna steal targets from your work might as well drive over to Champions Choice and steal some on better paper  Laughing


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by john bickar 9/9/2018, 7:00 pm

zanemoseley wrote:Hell if you're gonna steal targets from your work might as well drive over to Champions Choice and steal some on better paper  Laughing

If I come within a ZIP code of Champion's Choice there probably will be half a dozen cameras on me Twisted Evil
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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by mikemyers 9/9/2018, 7:14 pm

zanemoseley wrote:I don't see the advantage of printing your own. Printer paper sucks for targets and using all that black ink isn't cheap. You're saving pennies on targets then buying $30 ink cartridges.
I don't know about anyone else, but I save the original PDF file, then edit it, adding my own data:
Target #:
....and other details, which I fill in after shooting a target.
As to all the black ink, I changed it to a 50% gray.  Looks the same to me.

Lately, I've gotten lazy, and am buying standard NRA B-8 repair targets from MidwayUSA, but the ones I print myself fit into my filing cabinet better.  I've been saving targets for many years, and using standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper makes this easier for me.

I think it still saves money, but that's not why I'm doing it.

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by james r chapman 9/9/2018, 8:41 pm

I can afford .06/target.....

Don't shoot Trapshooting championships anymore, lol
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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by WillH 9/9/2018, 10:15 pm

I typically save my targets after shooting if they aren't too shot up - I try to limit each to 10 22s and 10 45s. Cheapest way I've found to paste them is to use black masking tape (Amazon) and regular tan masking tape.  Found that the black tape easier to use since can make it long or short as needed.  Granted targets aren't that expensive but pasting them 2-3 times doesn't take long and goes pretty quick.  Something to do while having a cold one.

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by zanemoseley 9/9/2018, 10:22 pm

You guys only shooting 10 shots per target must shoot at ranges with motorized hangers. I can hang 2 at a time at my range but might not be able to go out for another 30-45 minutes. I shot 300 rounds of .45 to test new loads on Saturday, all at 25 yards, there's no pasting those targets.


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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by Slartybartfast 9/10/2018, 10:36 am

Aufidius wrote:Team!

Like many, I try to make my shooting dollar go far. Are there any tricks to the trade on using black pasters for repairing target centers? Not thinking about on a 45 target, but more on the 22, which eventually gets shot by a 45. Do you have a good brand of stickers/pasters? Think the practice is silly? 

Long time listeners, first time callers, chime in!
My previous club sold full targets for 1$/3 or centers for 1$/10 supplied paster dots for free.
Starting out I shot full targets and pasted. Then I shot centers only and threw them out after scoring my 10 shots. That's what I still do.

Even with free dots I figured my time was better spent and worth more than saving pennies on targets. Couldn't understand the time, effort, and outright cheapness of using targets over and over and over again. Or the crazy .22 rifle competition targets with a dozen+ center stickers.

When I'm short on targets, I use masking tape.

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by 243winxb 9/10/2018, 1:11 pm

There is light and heavy paper targets. Very difference in price. National Target

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by dronning 9/10/2018, 1:58 pm

243winxb wrote:There is light and heavy paper targets.  Very difference in price. National Target
More than you want to know.
Many heavy paper targets also use mostly short fiber paper, that's the reason they are heavier, they need to use more fibers for the paper to stay together.  They are more expensive because of the additional fiber, slightly different pulping process and the mill has to run just a little slower.

The advantage of short fiber paper targets is the holes are much cleaner.  Big disadvantage is if they get wet they tend to dissolve unless chemicals have been added for additional wet strength.
- Dave

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

Post by Aufidius 9/13/2018, 8:41 pm

This seems like a pretty good deal- not sure on the shipping:


Thanks for the food for thought, friends! 

I wish I could afford (or tell myself I can afford them!) Kruger targets- use them in air pistol trap- so nice!

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Pasting Targets? Empty Re: Pasting Targets?

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