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Anyone use a Trijicon MRO?

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Anyone use a Trijicon MRO? Empty Anyone use a Trijicon MRO?

Post by zanemoseley 9/18/2018, 6:53 pm

I've been looking at options for a new 1911/38 special. I like the super open 9000sc on my other 1911's but it's too chunky for a 38 special. I've considered the Sightron S30 which is a bit better on weight but still not small, its also a bit unproven but looks promising. A lot of you guys love the Aimpoint H-1 but it sure looks like its got a tiny viewable, I'm gonna try to look through one at the regional this Friday.

Then I stumbled on the Trijicon MRO, its a bit heavier than a H-1 but has a much larger objective, it's also a bit cheaper too. Any opinions on this dot?


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Anyone use a Trijicon MRO? Empty Re: Anyone use a Trijicon MRO?

Post by 1joel1 9/19/2018, 10:17 am

I have one on my 4.5lb AR, but I found it to be a bit large on the 1911. Try the Primary Arms dot if you want bang for the buck. The H-1 seems a good size to me, but that's a personal thing. I have it on my MG-2 and it is great.



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Anyone use a Trijicon MRO? Empty Re: Anyone use a Trijicon MRO?

Post by zanemoseley 9/19/2018, 10:33 am

Well its a baby in overall size compared to a 9000SC. Its also half the weight, the 9000SC is about 10.5 ounces with upgraded rings, the MRO is 5.1 ounces with the low mount. 

I was hoping to get a small sight with a larger objective than the H-1 and other copies. I believe the PA sight is a copy of the H/T-1 so will have the tiny objective.


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Anyone use a Trijicon MRO? Empty Re: Anyone use a Trijicon MRO?

Post by zanemoseley 9/19/2018, 10:34 am

Also Jon Shue at Blackmass Custom said he makes shades for the MRO so that's not a problem.


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Anyone use a Trijicon MRO? Empty Re: Anyone use a Trijicon MRO?

Post by DJKWImark3 9/19/2018, 11:27 am

The new NIKON P Tactical Superdot  has a 22mm window:


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