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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

Post by bentrod 10/4/2018, 2:51 pm

I have a newer Marvel conversion, about 5 years old, lock back, steel slide. Can I safely fire this gun?



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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Re: Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

Post by JKR 10/4/2018, 2:58 pm

With Marvels it's a good idea to protect the firing pin in some way. Some use a plastic dry wall anchor. I use a small piece of rubber under positioned under the firing pin for the hammer to fall on. If you're one of those who believes that a 1911 shouldn't be thumb cocked, use the plastic anchor with one side cut off so the extractor can't hook it when you rack the slide to cock the gun.



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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Re: Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

Post by WillH 10/4/2018, 3:08 pm

Mine is aluminum non-lock back.  I asked this question of the seller (Frerking Gun Works) and they said to use a rubber bushing behind the slide and a drywall screw in the chamber.  What I did was take an automotive vacuum cap and cut off the end and taped in on the frame (fits in the slot where the firing pin is) and put a piece of fridge magnet in front of the chamber to be extra careful.  I think the main concern with aluminum one is hard steel hammer on the Al frame.  Maybe you're OK with steel but not sure.  Others may be able to speak to the steel model or have other opinions on the subject. I've heard it is both OK and not OK so played it safe.

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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Re: Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

Post by Chris Miceli 10/4/2018, 3:31 pm

With a Nelson you don’t have to use anything

Chris Miceli

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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Re: Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 10/4/2018, 4:13 pm

And how is that an answer to the original question?

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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Re: Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

Post by Chris Miceli 10/4/2018, 4:37 pm

STEVE SAMELAK wrote:And how is that an answer to the original question?
information for potential buyers that read the post.

Chris Miceli

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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Re: Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

Post by jglenn21 10/4/2018, 8:02 pm

Marvel don't peen the chamber area when dry firing.. the issue can be a broken firing pin over  thousands of dry firing.

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Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire? Empty Re: Marvel conversion, OK to dry fire?

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