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One of those "Well there's your problem" moments...

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One of those "Well there's your problem" moments... Empty One of those "Well there's your problem" moments...

Post by Chris_D Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:26 am

During the WI State match, I had a malfunction with my Clark 1911. During sustained fire, I was not able to pull the trigger back, like an idiot I tried to push the slide forward so I couldn't call an alibi. The same problem seemed to occur later in the match again but I was able to get the gun to fire that time.

I took the gun apart yesterday and when I pushed the trigger back to remove it, out pops a primer anvil, the thing that looks like a nuclear symbol. After a good cleaning and getting things back together again, the gun was normal again. It must have been working itself in and out of blocking the trigger from moving back.



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One of those "Well there's your problem" moments... Empty Re: One of those "Well there's your problem" moments...

Post by BE Mike Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:27 am

Ole Murphy raises his ugly head again. Why is it always during an important match?
BE Mike
BE Mike

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One of those "Well there's your problem" moments... Empty Re: One of those "Well there's your problem" moments...

Post by Founder Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:30 am

That's interesting! At least you found the issue and it was not a live primer that helped you find it!

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One of those "Well there's your problem" moments... Empty Re: One of those "Well there's your problem" moments...

Post by Founder Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:31 am

Chris fired his first 100 slow fire in that match too! Thought I would toot his horn for him. Nice job Chris! One of those "Well there's your problem" moments... 1710857839

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Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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One of those "Well there's your problem" moments... Empty Re: One of those "Well there's your problem" moments...

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