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Twist rate on my SA 5.25

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by lablover 12/15/2018, 7:36 pm

Purchased a Springfield Armory xdm 5.25 when they first came out.  I have no idea what twist rate was in them back then.  Thought I read someplace here where they changed?  Trying to find a load that works well at 50 yards.  The 147’s just don’t seem to want to

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by dronning 12/15/2018, 7:57 pm

I have what I think is the 1st 9MM 5.25 sold to a customer in MN.  The SA rep brought in 2 brand new demo guns for the range I shot at and I convinced him and the dealer to let me buy it almost a month before they were available in stores.  It shoots 147gr JHP very well.  I want to say it's a 1-10 twist but I'm not 100% sure.
- Dave

I just pushed a patch through it and got a 1/2 revolution so it is a 1-10 twist

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by lablover 12/16/2018, 5:43 am

dronning wrote:I have what I think is the 1st 9MM 5.25 sold to a customer in MN.  The SA rep brought in 2 brand new demo guns for the range I shot at and I convinced him and the dealer to let me buy it almost a month before they were available in stores.  It shoots 147gr JHP very well.  I want to say it's a 1-10 twist but I'm not 100% sure.
- Dave

I just pushed a patch through it and got a 1/2 revolution so it is a 1-10 twist
I think mine is a 1-10 as well.  Will push a patch thru and see what the outcome is.  Dave, would you share your 147gr load?  Thank you

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by dronning 12/16/2018, 8:26 am

lablover wrote:
dronning wrote:I have what I think is the 1st 9MM 5.25 sold to a customer in MN.  The SA rep brought in 2 brand new demo guns for the range I shot at and I convinced him and the dealer to let me buy it almost a month before they were available in stores.  It shoots 147gr JHP very well.  I want to say it's a 1-10 twist but I'm not 100% sure.
- Dave

I just pushed a patch through it and got a 1/2 revolution so it is a 1-10 twist
I think mine is a 1-10 as well.  Will push a patch thru and see what the outcome is.  Dave, would you share your 147gr load?  Thank you
XDM 1-10 twist  147gr Hornady XTP OAL 1.140" 4.2gr VV330, 4.4gr VV340, 4.0gr WSF. 
- Dave

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Join date : 2013-03-20
Age : 71
Location : Lakeville, MN

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by lablover 12/16/2018, 9:14 am

Thanks a million Dave

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Location : Michigan

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by PhotoEscape 12/16/2018, 9:15 am

Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Img_3810
Guns & Ammo's October 2018 issue has article about development of critical duty ammo.  Article called "Hornady Critical Duty".  With reference to this article and my underlining pertaining information, please see attached.  I hope, you'll be able to expand picture in the viewer to a readable conditions.

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by lablover 12/16/2018, 9:21 am

Great info!  The load I was using without double checking right now was like 3.3 gr of titegroup and the zero 147 gr bullet.  Did great at 25 yards but was bad at 50 yards.  That was a powder puff load created for action style shooting way back when.  I’ll have to double check that data later today.

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by lablover 12/16/2018, 9:23 am

I’m also curious if the 115 gr bullets would do any good in this barrel

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Twist rate on my SA 5.25  Empty Re: Twist rate on my SA 5.25

Post by PhotoEscape 12/16/2018, 10:00 am

The only concern I would have is with low quality plated bullets fired out of 1:10 twist barrel at high velocity loads.  My estimation for that would be in 1200fps for 115 grain projectiles, 1150 fps for 124 grain.  FMJ/Lead Cast or Coated projectiles perform fine in faster barrels.  For that matter one of my most accurate overall 9mm loads is 124gr Speer Gold Dot HP clocking over 1200fps.

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Location : Northern Illinois, USA

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