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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by kidneyboy 1/30/2019, 12:24 pm


Get kids involved.
These girls are awesome ambassadors for shooting steel challenge.

Where is the bullseye version of this?


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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by fc60 1/30/2019, 12:48 pm


It is called International Rapid Fire.



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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by Slartybartfast 1/30/2019, 1:32 pm

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

It is called International Rapid Fire.



ISSF Rapid Fire might be the bullseye/precision equivalent of steel plate shooting, but I think the question is more where are the introductory programs for Bullseye.

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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by weber1b 1/30/2019, 3:31 pm

There are Junior programs around, just not enough of them. They all require one key element, volunteers.


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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by willnewton 1/30/2019, 4:30 pm

weber1b wrote:There are Junior programs around, just not enough of them. They all require one key element, volunteers.

Amen to that. Check to see if your local high school, college, 4-H, or VFW has a youth shooting program and go check it out and help.

I spent time volunteering with our local 4-H shooting sports club, which has archery, .22 rifle, and skeet. It was great to help the kids, but a bit sad to see all the parents lined up on the sidelines doing nothing but drinking coffee and looking camo-fashionista.

You don’t have to be an expert at all for many of these programs, just willing to teach a youngster to be safe, maybe spend some time before and after helping instructors set up. These small things make a big difference.

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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by weber1b 1/30/2019, 4:43 pm

I belong to two private gun ranges, one indoor and one outdoor. Both have junior programs. They aren't specifically Bullseye but do incorporate Bullseye into their programs. They also feature small bore rifle. Bottom line, it is promoting the sport to kids.


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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by Slartybartfast 1/31/2019, 10:05 am

weber1b wrote:There are Junior programs around, just not enough of them. They all require one key element, volunteers.
And volunteers need one key element: Easy to follow support from the organising/regulatory body.

With easy to follow support, in places where there aren't the numbers or the volunteers interested people can follow the program themselves.

Running the programs IMO needs to be a heavily encouraged (even enforced) activity for ranges and organisations that want to run sanctioned or recognised competitions. Promoting the programs should absolutely be enforced at all ranges that host competitions.

Money raised from competitions should be spent first and foremost servicing the needs of competitions and competitors. Apps/websites for organisers and competitors, promotion of events, communication and promotion of the sport and programs.

PS: Before anyone gets uptight about promotion being enforced, this is really just as simple as making sure that posters are purchased and displayed year round and links appear on websites (say to the relevant NRA/Winchester marksmanship program).

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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by kidneyboy 1/31/2019, 11:20 am

Slartybartfast wrote:
fc60 wrote:Greetings,

It is called International Rapid Fire.



ISSF Rapid Fire might be the bullseye/precision equivalent of steel plate shooting, but I think the question is more where are the introductory programs for Bullseye.
 The question is where are the young and enthusiastic 21st century ambassadors for the sport.


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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by DA/SA 1/31/2019, 11:49 am

The Board Members at the outdoor range that I shoot at mentioned hosting the Boy Scouts for a Saturday .22 shooting event and I said "sign me up to help in any way".

The idea was shot down by the older membership bitching about not being able to use that particular range on that one Saturday...


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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by lyman1903 1/31/2019, 12:24 pm

DA/SA wrote:The Board Members at the outdoor range that I shoot at mentioned hosting the Boy Scouts for a Saturday .22 shooting event and I said "sign me up to help in any way".

The idea was shot down by the older membership bitching about not being able to use that particular range on that one Saturday...

  being the smartypants I can be, I would have showed up that particular Sat, had a couple of Boy Scouts meet me there, and chat up those that were on the range that day,,,,, 

as well as some range time for them to show they are interested, 

wondering if those that complained actually shot that day ?

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This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term Empty Re: This is how to promote shooting sports for the long term

Post by Slartybartfast 1/31/2019, 5:22 pm

DA/SA wrote:The Board Members at the outdoor range that I shoot at mentioned hosting the Boy Scouts for a Saturday .22 shooting event and I said "sign me up to help in any way".

The idea was shot down by the older membership bitching about not being able to use that particular range on that one Saturday...

At the last club I was a member at, it was impossible to organise anything. Except when the President (now for life) invited his granddaughter's Girl Guide group in. GRR.

Although there was regular use of the range (as tiny as it was) by the local Canadian Army Cadets. They shoot air rifles.

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