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Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Jon Eulette
james r chapman
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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by xman Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:13 pm

I am curious as to why even a bit rain halts or cancels a BE match, The shooters have cover. yes the targets get wet and pasters dont stick well. Since most clubs usually use repair centers, only outliers need be pasted and you could apply the paster and then staple the paster in place. One staple for .22 and maybe 2 staples for CF and .45.

And yes I know the holes wont be clean cut as oppose to a dry target, and some groupings might be "mushy", but the rule is to give the shooter the benefit of the doubt and give the higher score.Even with dry targets,

So all that is needed are a lot of xtra staples, a rain coat, a hat and a towel to dry off your firing hand.

Now I am NOT talking here about severe lighting, that is a different ball of wax.

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by james r chapman Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:29 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by james r chapman Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:04 pm

Since the humor evades some people.
I’ve never attended an outdoor match where the match was halted for anything other than lightning.
Ionia, Taylor and especially Camp Perry during the monsoon season.
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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by dronning Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:07 pm

We always shoot through rain but we usually do quit when the targets start to melt. Smile
- Dave

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by sharkdoctor Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:35 pm

Yeah, it really upset me when I had a perfect score going for me in the Harry Reeves Match at Perry one year - my first shot slowfire was a pinwheel X, then my target blew off into Lake Erie.  I can't believe they cancelled the match - I coulda been a contender!


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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by TonyH Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:55 pm

And I thought Texans were tough!!lol!

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by Dr.Don Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:59 pm

I have shot at Quantico in rain so hard I had an inch of water in my pistol box even under a cover. I’ve never seen a match stopped for rain. Lightning yes, but not rain.

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by DavidR Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:36 pm

Your issues lie with your match director or the club running the matches, In Ga and other ranges ive shot at we shoot rain or shine, now if its lightning we will delay, same as most ranges.

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by Jon Eulette Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:48 pm

First time I broke 890 with 22 was in the rain shooting with overhead cover down in Jacksonville Florida. Wind was blowing rain into our faces.My pistol was half soaked and the glass on the optic was covered with rain drops. Good times!
Jon Eulette
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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by Jack H Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:52 pm

Years ago in the early 70s, I was set to leave Eugene for a Medford Oregon match.  All my stuff was by the door waiting for Wes to drive on down.  Wes arrived a little late so we had to rush two trips from the house to the car with my stuff.  In the confusion my heavy rain coat fell behind the chair and didn't make it to Medford.  In Medford it was raining.  Heavy rain.  No coat, no hat.  No roof.  I shot anyway.  We had to continually shake the rain out of our rear sights.
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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by cdrt Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:52 pm

Jack H wrote:Years ago in the early 70s, I was set to leave Eugene for a Medford Oregon match.  All my stuff was by the door waiting for Wes to drive on down.  Wes arrived a little late so we had to rush two trips from the house to the car with my stuff.  In the confusion my heavy rain coat fell behind the chair and didn't make it to Medford.  In Medford it was raining.  Heavy rain.  No coat, no hat.  No roof.  I shot anyway.  We had to continually shake the rain out of our rear sights.
I think I was there for that match.  I had to cover my gun box and just had my Gold Cup, one mag and a box of shells out on the bench.  The box was a Pachmayr that the Navy issued to me.  I threw my poncho over the box to protect it, but when I got home, it fell apart, so I turned it in for a new one. Good times.

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by joy2shoot Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:00 pm

Well, as a direct descendant of the Wicked Witch of the West, I avoid rain, the beach and swimming pools as much as possible.


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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Toughness varies a lot

Post by xman Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:36 pm

I an not even from Texas (NY) and I want to continue to shoot.

Excuses and reasons to stop shooting or cancel the day before can be bizarre.

Coming from smallbore and HP/SR we had LEGIT reasons to stop and or halt shooting during "mild to moderate rain"

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Why does rain stop or cancel a match? Empty Re: Why does rain stop or cancel a match?

Post by Ghillieman Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:19 am

I've shot in the rain many times, especially at Perry when the struggle was to keep your soaked target from blowing off the carriage and taking a trip down range. However, it's been my experience that participation at monthly matches during adverse weather conditions is dismally poor. That is why I decided to cancel last Sundays match, 2/10/19 at Terrell, TX. That rainy Sunday in the 30's was better spent at home with my family than at the range all day hoping for a few shooters to hold a 2700. 
If you want to continue shooting, monthly 2700 matches with in a reasonable drive of Tyler is, Dallas Pistol Club on the 1st Sunday, Terrell Rifle & Pistol Club on the 2nd Sunday, Austin Rifle Club on the 3rd Sunday.
I haven't seen you shooting around Texas before so if you get a chance to attend our Indoor State Championship in Amarillo on April 27-28, or our Outdoor State Championship in Wichita Falls on May 18-19, it will be nice to meet you.

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