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Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load

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Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load Empty Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load

Post by Super Dave Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:11 am

Hi Guys,

I'm going to work up a load for my K38.  The bullet I'm using is from Penn Bullets- .38 Caliber 158 Grain Truncated Cone Bevel Base.  This is what Bob suggested for accuracy.  The bullet diameter I'm trying is .359 based on measuring the cylinder throats with a pin gauge.

Of the powder I have on hand he suggested VV N320 and recommended a velocity of 850 to 900.  He also suggested 700X which I can get locally but I read that it's not consistent in metering with the Dillon 500B.  So, I didn't buy any 700X because inconsistent throws are frustrating.

My main question is on the crimp.  My normal crimp is .372 to .375.  I'm not sure if I'm measuring it correctly.  Basically, I try to get the caliper on the last bit of case before sliding off to the bullet.  I do it a number of times until I start to get a consistent number. Is that the proper way to take it?

Also, is .375 enough crimp for this kind of load?

Lastly, the other powders I have on hand are Bullseye, HP38, and N310.  VV doesn't seem to have any loads in N310 for this type of bullet.  I've had good luck with Bullseye and HP38.  

Any tips would be appreciated. 


Super Dave

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Join date : 2012-02-22
Location : Oahu

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Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load Empty Re: Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load

Post by Sc0 Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:14 am

You do know that DR requires SWC or Round Nose bullets?


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Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load Empty Re: Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load

Post by LenV Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:44 am

Yep, It truly sucks but TC loads are not legal for DR matches. I had a great load figured out for that bullet.


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Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load Empty Re: Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load

Post by Bill Treanor Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:11 pm

Hi Super Dave-

I'll try to answer your questions:

1. For roll crimping a revolver cartridge, I've found this to be subjective and I've never actually measured the crimp, unlike I do for taper-crimped auto cartridges. I check to make sure that there's enough crimp without deforming the bullet. That's worked for me.

2. For powders, I've only used WST in my DR loads (3.3 for long line and 3.0 for short line) but I'm sure that Bullseye would work fine with similar charges. It also meters a whole more accurately than 700X.

As others have noted, you're supposed to use only SWC or RN lead bullets for DR competitions. However, I'm sure that the TC bullets you have will be fine for practice. My experience is that DR matches are won on the short line. The best improvements to my score, earning points, and eventually earning my badge happened when I really trained to shoot well on the short line. I had issues with jerking the trigger when I first started shooting DR so I went to shooting double action in both TF and RF and legged out doing that. I've since switched to shooting TF in single action and RF with double action.

Have fun and I wish you the best!



Bill Treanor

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Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load Empty Re: Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load

Post by Bill Treanor Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:16 pm

Oh, one other thing: if you have access to a Ransom Rest, you can find out which chamber of your revolver shoots the best groups at 50 yards. I did that and marked that chamber for single loading on the long line and got great results.

Bill Treanor

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Location : Nashville, TN

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Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load Empty Re: Load question on Penn Bullets for Distinguished load

Post by Super Dave Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:39 pm

Thank you all for the tips.  I also appreciate the WST info since I have that on hand. 


Super Dave

Posts : 59
Join date : 2012-02-22
Location : Oahu

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