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magnum pistol primers

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magnum pistol primers Empty magnum pistol primers

Post by Guest 4/9/2019, 11:09 am

Tried to be clever by making a bulk order of primers from Graf. And currently there is a CCI rebate scheme. To be delivered this coming Friday.

Just noticed that I must have pressed the wrong button - I've got 5,000 CCI Small Magnum Primers coming instead of 5,000 Small Primers. 

Arrggghhhh...... Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

Will magnum primers make a significant difference to 9mm and 38 loads?


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by zanemoseley 4/9/2019, 11:20 am

Dang they do have a rebate now. I just ordered 2 cases last month to take advantage of Brownell's free Hazmat shipping. Could have saved $60  Sad Sad

I can't remember if the magnum primers are just a bit hotter or if the cups are actually thicker to withstand the extra pressure.


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by Wobbley 4/9/2019, 12:40 pm

Cups are a tad thicker... should be ok unless you have a very light hammer drop.  Remember, these are designed for hammer falls of the K frame and most 9mm pistols.  Use ‘em up in practice.

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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by willnewton 4/9/2019, 1:08 pm

I use magnum primers as well. Make sure they are well set so no energy is wasted setting them deeper when the hammer drops if you are shooting a revolver with lightened springs.

Other than that, you should be fine.


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by spyer40 4/11/2019, 4:14 pm

David Sam's told me to use magnum small pistol primers in the 9mm he built for me


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by S148 4/11/2019, 4:18 pm

spyer40 wrote:David Sam's told me to use magnum small pistol primers in the 9mm he built for me

Did he offer advice on what load(s) might work best, and if so could you please share it?  Thanks.


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by robert84010 4/11/2019, 6:23 pm

For many years Sams recommended using Power Pistol. I don't know if he has recently went to another powder. Most of the loads i've seen were 6.1-6.4gr under a 115gr bullet. 

Some people here have recently bought pistols from Dave, maybe they will chime in with his current recommendations?


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by PhotoEscape 4/11/2019, 6:44 pm

I've tested multiple pistol calibers with small rifle primers without any issues or accuracy degradation.  As well no popped up primers or other signs of excessive pressure.  And no ignition issues too.  Brad Miller recommended SRP for using in 38 Super load to attain necessary Power Factor. Thus I don't see why SPP Magnums would have issues either. 

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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by S148 4/11/2019, 7:38 pm

PhotoEscape wrote:I've tested multiple pistol calibers with small rifle primers without any issues or accuracy degradation.  As well no popped up primers or other signs of excessive pressure.  And no ignition issues too.  Brad Miller recommended SRP for using in 38 Super load to attain necessary Power Factor. Thus I don't see why SPP Magnums would have issues either. 

I don't think it was to attain the necessary power factor, at least not in the sense that SR primers produced more speed. The usual reason for using rifle primers in something like the 38 Super or 9 Major when trying to achieve Major power factor in competition is to reduce primer flow, because with some powders, the pressure they reach in order to push the bullets to the required speed, is often past the usual pressure range of pistol primers. 

Magnum primers might, with some powders in some pistol cartridges, produce more pressure and velocity than standard primers. It's generally okay to use them, but follow safe loading guidelines and work up from low charge weights.

I sometimes use magnum primers and rifle primers in my handgun loads (almost always use SR primers for 9 Major) and have not seen any dangerous or disconcerting issues. Your experience might be different, so always work up slowly.


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by 243winxb 4/12/2019, 11:08 am

High primer output may move the bullet sooner then wanted. This may cause a secondary pressure spike, delayed firing. 

Ball powders  need a mag primer. 

I use mag primers for all pistols. No problems.

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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by spyer40 4/14/2019, 1:23 pm

Sorry for the late reply, missed this

5.0gr VV N340 under 115gr JHP


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magnum pistol primers Empty Re: magnum pistol primers

Post by S148 4/14/2019, 2:21 pm

spyer40 wrote:Sorry for the late reply, missed this

5.0gr VV N340 under 115gr JHP

Thank you!


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