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1911 Spring Balance

Steve B
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1911 Spring Balance - Page 2 Empty 1911 Spring Balance

Post by Sgt_Gold Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:39 pm

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I'm currently trying to balance my recoil springs and mainsprings for my was guns. I have a 23# mainspring in one gun, and a 17# mainspring in the other. I have 13# recoil springs in both guns. Both guns function 100% with Black Hills and NSK 200gr SWC loads. The question is how do I know if my recoil spring it too light? Do I continue to reduce the recoil spring until I get a failure to go into battery, and then up it until I get reliable operation? What are the steps that other shooters are using to balance out the spring on their wad cuns? Thanks.


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Join date : 2011-06-10

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1911 Spring Balance - Page 2 Empty Re: 1911 Spring Balance

Post by JLK Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:04 pm

Thanks Dave!
That helps a ton!
I'll put an order in to Brownell's and give it a try.

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Age : 74
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1911 Spring Balance - Page 2 Empty Re: 1911 Spring Balance

Post by DavidR Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:36 pm

Sgt_Gold wrote:I'm currently trying to balance my recoil springs and mainsprings for my was guns. I have a 23# mainspring in one gun, and a 17# mainspring in the other. I have 13# recoil springs in both guns. Both guns function 100% with Black Hills and NSK 200gr SWC loads. The question is how do I know if my recoil spring it too light? Do I continue to reduce the recoil spring until I get a failure to go into battery, and then up it until I get reliable operation? What are the steps that other shooters are using to balance out the spring on their wad cuns? Thanks.

No if your gun functions perfect now with a 13, but you want to try and get it perfect you would go up in poundage not lower. If the 13 ejects rounds good and locks the slide back after last round then the next step would be to go up to a 14lb and see if it still functions and locks back, if so then you could go to a 15lb and see if it still does, but really you want positive function and a good lock back but not a spring so strong it just barely does this. Because if you get a light load or the weather turns cold you dont want it to not function correctly. Id say your 13 is probily the correct spring, Most wad guns with slide mounted dots shooting wad loads, use from 10-13lb springs. If your dot is a frame mount then 12-15lb could be whats needed.

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Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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