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Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

BE Mike
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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by jscot111 5/1/2019, 7:27 am

Almost out of my old stash of Star bullets, what is the go to Zero 185gr for .45. The SWC or the SWHP hollow point? Not sure what to get.


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by jglenn21 5/1/2019, 7:56 am

Talk with Terry at Magnus bullets. He carries the same bullets and offers members of this forum a discount. Might get.some of each to test them order what you like. Personally i like the HP.

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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by mspingeld 5/1/2019, 8:02 am

Check Brazos bullets, new forum sponsor. Offers a variety of cast bullets, waxed or coated. They're bullseye shooters, nice people, have great prices and are dedicated to putting out quality bullets. So far, the reviews are great.


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by LenV 5/1/2019, 10:28 am

Magnus or Zero 185gr SWCHP are my new go to bullet. I have been using them for the last 2 years.


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by mspingeld 5/1/2019, 10:43 am

Len, do you find them more accurate than SWC's?


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by LenV 5/1/2019, 2:44 pm

Yes, a tiny bit. I also have decent groups with 200gr and 185 gr L-SWC. There is little or no difference with the 200gr. Both the 185 SWCHP and the 200 have the same amount of bullet touching the barrel and have the same accuracy. There is just a little less recoil in the 185's. I plan on shooting the 200gr at 50yd and practice till gone (that will be a long time). I load the bullet down much lower then the 4.2 shown here but not with a 9000 mounted.

Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD 20180313
You tell me which group is smaller...and if it makes a difference.
Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD 20181032

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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by BE Mike 5/2/2019, 8:40 am

I went with what the top shooters said and that was that the hollow points shoot just a little better and function just as well. Since the price is the same, I thought, "Why not?"
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by Jwhelan939 5/3/2019, 8:02 pm

I prefer the zero 185 lswchp over the swc.


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by Multiracer 5/3/2019, 8:40 pm

Swaged vs cast is a difference if you don't like leading.


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by BE Mike 5/4/2019, 8:52 am

Multiracer wrote:Swaged vs cast is a difference if you don't like leading.
Actually, I've driven the swaged 185 gr. SWCHP pretty fast with 4.6 grains of Alliant Bullseye and no leading. The problem might be your barrel.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by valbern67 5/4/2019, 9:49 am

Is there really much of a difference in accuracy between hollow point and button nose bullets?


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by Multiracer 5/4/2019, 9:53 am

BE Mike wrote:
Multiracer wrote:Swaged vs cast is a difference if you don't like leading.
Actually, I've driven the swaged 185 gr. SWCHP pretty fast with 4.6 grains of Alliant Bullseye and no leading. The problem might be your barrel.
No issues with my barrel, I was just throwing that out as a difference.


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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by Wobbley 5/4/2019, 11:25 am

Swaged vs cast leading is so dependent on other factors.  However, in general swaged lead with a BHN of 5-8 can lead barrels when velocities exceed 900 fps and in some instances start leading at 850 fps.  Cast with a BHN of 12 will usually withstand 950 tp 1000 fps.  BHN 15-18 can usually get velocities of 1450.  All of these with ordinary lubricants.

All that said.  You can still get leading at 750 with cast billets of 22 BHN if they don’t fit your barrel or the barrel is pitted.  And 22LR shoots 1150 fps out of a rifle with BHN of 5 and wax lube and no leading.

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Zero .45  185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD Empty Re: Zero .45 185 gr SWC or 185 gr SWHP LEAD

Post by jscot111 5/5/2019, 8:16 pm

Thanks guy's for the info.Hollow points are on my shopping list


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