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Oal for Star SWHP Bullet

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Oal for Star SWHP Bullet Empty Oal for Star SWHP Bullet

Post by Ropate 6/15/2022, 8:07 pm

So I have these old .45 swaged bullets from Star Ammunition (right) that I dug up at an archeological site. (Just kidding....)

They are 185 gr SWHPs.  Some might be 200 gr.  (Even though it says 185 on the box!)

Anybody have an idea of what the OAL should be?  

mahaloOal for Star SWHP Bullet Star_e11


Posts : 34
Join date : 2016-11-21

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Oal for Star SWHP Bullet Empty Re: Oal for Star SWHP Bullet

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 6/15/2022, 8:24 pm

about .030 of the shoulder sticking out of the case usually works.
Noses get damaged & vary so I work off the shoulder of swc.
Easier to seat square & don't have to fuss about who made the bullet or weight.

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Oal for Star SWHP Bullet Empty Re: Oal for Star SWHP Bullet

Post by Black_Talon 6/15/2022, 8:25 pm

I've always loaded 200 & 185 SWC's to .928" to the shoulder. Some smart old fart told me to do this 30 years ago.

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