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Have I got creep or what ?

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Have I got creep or what ? Empty Have I got creep or what ?

Post by HUGHT 11/22/2012, 7:16 am

Can someone explain to me the difference between " creep " and " roll off ". When I have shot match grade pistols with " roll off" I feel movement before the break. When I have shot stock pistols and feel movement before the break I have been told this was "creep". What is the difference or is there any? Thanks for the education.


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Have I got creep or what ? Empty Re: Have I got creep or what ?

Post by Ed Hall 11/22/2012, 9:19 am

One man's creep is another man's roll...

I characterize the difference in being the feel of the movement, but that's my personal opinion. Creep tends to be "sticky" meaning it moves a little and stops, while a roll is smooth through the break. But, you can perceive roll as creepy if every time you start the trigger, you stop when you notice movement. The optimum for the roll is to start the trigger and keep it moving through the break, knowing it is moving because you feel the movement. This is unsettling for some, but for others it can let them know things are progressing and the shot is imminent

Ed Hall

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Have I got creep or what ? Empty Re: Have I got creep or what ?

Post by DavidR 11/23/2012, 11:28 am

Roll is just very smooth creep, some like it others prefer a crisp, clean breaking trigger. The difference in the two is mainly the length of the hammer hooks, long, gets you creep or roll, short gives you clean or a crisp break.

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