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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Jack H
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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Sat May 25, 2019 7:53 pm

Apparently I flunked first grade in reloading, without knowing it.

I've just learned that seater dies are available for lead bullets such as the Magnus #801, that push on the shoulder of the bullet, not the nose.
Is this true?
How do I find one?
For 40 years I assumed you pressed bullets into the case, pushing on the nose of the bullet.....

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Sat May 25, 2019 8:02 pm

Is this a die that accomplishes what I'm asking about?

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by KBarth Sat May 25, 2019 8:16 pm

Just buy the insert from eBay. Works in my rcbs dies

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Sat May 25, 2019 10:04 pm

KBarth wrote:Just buy the insert from eBay. Works in my rcbs dies
Insert????    I have no idea what you mean.

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by KBarth Sat May 25, 2019 10:05 pm

The insert that is in your current die that seats the bullet from the nose.

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by Dcforman Sat May 25, 2019 10:13 pm

Search eBay for user rrpmi.

I use one of his inserts. He has them for RCBS, Lee, and Dillon dies.



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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by Jack H Sat May 25, 2019 10:21 pm

Part of here will show the Dillon insert

I drilled out some of my inserts and added a little Dremmel work to get a shoulder seater.  For lead bullets, I use only the Dillon seater.
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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Sat May 25, 2019 10:27 pm

KBarth wrote:The insert that is in your current die that seats the bullet from the nose.
Hi, you're saying that they make something like the central shaft in the stock die, but it will contact the #801 bullet on the "shoulder", and not on the top?  
Sounds perfect, but I didn't know such a product existed....

Sorry about the sloppy image - first time I've tried "Markup" on an image.

Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Img_0711

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by zanemoseley Sat May 25, 2019 10:28 pm

I just looked at all the rrpmi stuff and he has some neat items. You can tell he likes to machine stuff for fun just to make a few bucks. Wish I had his metal lathe.


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by zanemoseley Sat May 25, 2019 10:35 pm

First off Mike I would buy the Dillon dies like I advised you the other day. Their seating and crimp dies are great. Then you can buy this custom shoulder seating insert as they're suggesting. I just use the stock Dillon inserts that seat from the nose but have good results. You can also buy extra Dillon seating dies off Ebay, sometimes I'll have 2-3 seating dies per caliber in LNL inserts so I can swap quickly between bullets instead of manually adjusting the die when you change bullets.


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by joy2shoot Sat May 25, 2019 11:56 pm

The Redding die whose picture you added to your post does NOT accomplish what you want.  But the video linked below shows how to modify the Redding seating stem with a Drimmel to do what you want.  But if you already own a Dillon seating die, then buying a modified seating stem/insert is probably the easiest way to go.



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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by willnewton Sun May 26, 2019 7:51 am

rrpmi seating insert is all you need. several models for different mfg. don’t need a high $$$ fancy die, just a cheap Lee is fine. get a recoil spring tester too!


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by Guest Sun May 26, 2019 10:01 am

The links to "rrpmi" don't seem to work.


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by Guest Sun May 26, 2019 10:53 am

I searched deeply and came to this site, but only for Dillon dies.


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by Dcforman Sun May 26, 2019 11:00 am



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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by 8eightring Sun May 26, 2019 12:32 pm

For 45 caliber SWC bullets I just use a 9MM full length sizing die in place of a seating die. The shoulder of the bullet contacts the bottom of the die and gives perfect seating every time.

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by 8at4 Sun May 26, 2019 1:24 pm

I also use a 9mm size die for seating .45 SWC. Easy to clean and you can seat any weight of SWC without readjusting.


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Sun May 26, 2019 5:09 pm

willnewton wrote:rrpmi seating insert is all you need.  several models for different mfg.  don’t need a high $$$ fancy die, just a cheap Lee is fine.  get a recoil spring tester too!

Hi, I already bought the recoil spring tester recommended by people in the forum.

I clicked on your link, then found this:
(It reminds me of what I'm thinking I'm looking for.)

I don't have any dies other than RCBS and Redding.   (....and a few old Lyman dies, but I think I gave them away.)

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by troystaten Mon May 27, 2019 2:10 pm

I have one of rrpmi's seating stems for my RCBS die in 45 and it works well.  A friend of mine uses Hornady's lock and load die in his Dillon and swears by it for the same reason.


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Mon May 27, 2019 5:49 pm

I went with plan "C", as in Create my own.  I have a lathe I never use, and took the die part in the image I posted earlier, and machined it to make what I want:
(It was Dave Salyer's suggestion....)

Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Img_8212

Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Img_4710

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by noylj Mon May 27, 2019 9:01 pm

1) A custom seating plug is often the best way to improve accuracy. One size fits all is a myth.
2) seating plugs should NOT contact the bullet's meplat/nose. A crooked bullet will only be forced more out of alignment due to "nose steering."
3) seating plug should contact the bullet's ogive/curved section as low down the bullet as possible.
4) seating plugs that ONLY contact the shoulder of a SWC will significantly self-correct bullet alignment


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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Mon May 27, 2019 9:26 pm

noylj wrote:1) A custom seating plug is often the best way to improve accuracy. One size fits all is a myth.
2) seating plugs should NOT contact the bullet's meplat/nose. A crooked bullet will only be forced more out of alignment due to "nose steering."
3) seating plug should contact the bullet's ogive/curved section as low down the bullet as possible.
4) seating plugs that ONLY contact the shoulder of a SWC will significantly self-correct bullet alignment
More things that I was oblivious to until now.  Thanks.  

You're making me wonder what everyone else doing reloading does.  Either none of that was in the reloading documents I read, or I didn't know enough to appreciate what they might have been telling me.

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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by Jack H Mon May 27, 2019 11:38 pm

What would be a custom seater plug for JHP Nosler, Zero, XTP, or HAP ??
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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by dronning Tue May 28, 2019 12:38 am

Jack H wrote:What would be a custom seater plug for JHP Nosler, Zero, XTP, or HAP ??
I started using Redding Competition die sets when reloading for rifle and continued with their Competition Seater die in pistol.  The seating stem fits way down on JHP and XTP style bullets refer to #3 in noylj's  earlier post.  For crimping I use a Carbide Lee Factory Crimp Die.
- Dave
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Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet Empty Re: Seater die that pushes on the shoulder of a lead bullet

Post by mikemyers Tue May 28, 2019 7:49 am

Dave, does the Redding Competition Seater Die accomplish the same thing as what I made?
I know it makes it easy to set and control the OAL, but does it also press the bullet into the case, without pressing on the bullet head?

I finished 24 rounds last night, will test today in my Caspian.  One round only had too much "bell" to fit into my seater die, which sounds impossible as the other 24 had no problem.  The only explanation I can think of is that this case was too long to begin with.  Maybe there's another answer I haven't been able to understand, yet...  Will probably just toss it out.  That, or buy another die holder, so I can work on things like this without disturbing my reloading setup for 45 ACP.

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