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Lead bullet alloys

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Lead bullet alloys Empty Lead bullet alloys

Post by GavinLee 2/5/2024, 1:45 am

I have been using some Brazos bullets that are I believe to 96/2/2 (lead/antimony/tin) which amounts to about 13 brinnell. I see that GT bullets are cast from 96/2/2 also. I have used some Bayou and Summers bullets that are cast of 92/6/2 with 6 being antimony that are 16-17 brinnell. Roto metals classify 92/6/2 as "hard ball". I have liked the few that I have shot, but wondering if this alloy is a little on the hard side for bullseye. Or am I just trying to "over think" this.


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Lead bullet alloys Empty Leading issues??

Post by jjfitch 2/5/2024, 8:55 am

GavinLee wrote:I have been using some Brazos bullets that are I believe to 96/2/2 (lead/antimony/tin) which amounts to about 13 brinnell. I see that GT bullets are cast from 96/2/2 also. I have used some Bayou and Summers bullets that are cast of 92/6/2 with 6 being antimony that are 16-17 brinnell. Roto metals classify 92/6/2 as "hard ball". I have liked the few that I have shot, but wondering if this alloy is a little on the hard side for bullseye. Or am I just trying to "over think" this.

If you are getting leading issues to be sure it is more of a barrel fit than hardness issue especially at lower velocities. 
Some may say that hardness also affects obturation.
I've been using lead reclaimed from an indoor range that measures under 10 BHN in 45, 38 Spl and 9mm. Bullet to barrel fit is .002 over size! I clean my barrels with a rolled up paper towel! Smile

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Lead bullet alloys Empty Re: Lead bullet alloys

Post by bruce martindale 2/5/2024, 10:13 am

It’s just fine, don’t worry…

bruce martindale

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Lead bullet alloys Empty Re: Lead bullet alloys

Post by Wobbley 2/5/2024, 11:07 am

Either or….
92/6/2 is about 16-18 Brinnell, which can be driven hard while being grease lubed.  With these coatings, they don’t need to be as hard so the 96/2/2 will do except maybe for velocities higher than 1400.  So use either.

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Lead bullet alloys Empty Re: Lead bullet alloys

Post by 243winxb 2/14/2024, 7:02 pm

Pure Rotometals linotype, cast as Lyman 200 gr swc BB , has no issues in my testing. 
I use ww plus 2" of the bar of linotype in 10 lb pot, my normal alloy. 

To soft & i have a feeding problem. Bullet nose sticks on feed ramp. Old Colt GC series 70. 45 acp. 
3.8 grs Bullseye, WLP, Starline.

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Lead bullet alloys Empty Re: Lead bullet alloys

Post by rckendall 2/29/2024, 5:35 pm

A good read regarding this?

Missouri Bullet Company


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