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Tape on Revolver Grips

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Tape on Revolver Grips Empty Tape on Revolver Grips

Post by Boxturtle 6/9/2019, 8:23 pm

Hello Folks,

I like friction tape on my revolver grips.  I've reviewed the rules, and see that tape is prohibited for Distinguished Revolver matches.  I've seen nothing about it for regular 2700 matches.  Is tape allowed in 2700 matches?

Thanks, Tom


Posts : 244
Join date : 2017-09-16
Location : Virginia

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Tape on Revolver Grips Empty Re: Tape on Revolver Grips

Post by Boxturtle 6/9/2019, 11:36 pm

Well, I think I've answered my own question: people use skateboard tape, so I guess tape is allowed.


Posts : 244
Join date : 2017-09-16
Location : Virginia

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