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Distinguished Revolver Grips

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Distinguished Revolver Grips Empty Distinguished Revolver Grips

Post by Steve B Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:36 pm

I'm curious what grips everyone is using on their Distinguished Revolvers? I've been using Hogue, rubber, finger grooves out of necessity but would like to try wood. I have a set of Hogue cocobola wood grips, finger grooves, symmetrical and checkered. But they tend to slip in my hand while firing sustained fire. I'd love to have some Nills, that would qualify, but they're a little more than I want to spend at the moment. I also noticed that Herrett makes the Jordan grips with finger grooves and fancy checkering, open and closed back. Anyone with experience with those?

Steve B

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Location : Elkhart, IN

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Distinguished Revolver Grips Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver Grips

Post by Scott Carroll Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:42 am

I use the Hogue Mono Grip on my Smith Mod 14 and on my Smith K22. That grip fits my hand better than any other I have tried to date, are DR compliant and are reasonably priced.


Scott Carroll

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Location : Vermont

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Distinguished Revolver Grips Empty DR Grips

Post by AllAces Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:55 pm

Check the NRA rulebook on DR grips as the options are limited. Most DR shooters I know use the stock S&W grips.

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