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forearm band

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forearm band Empty forearm band

Post by SMBeyer 12/2/2012, 10:14 am

Thought I remember seeing something about the forearm band for tendonitis. Are they legal for bullseye? Both of my elbows have been really bothering me lately and was wondering if they were allowed.


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forearm band Empty Re: forearm band

Post by charlie_seablom 12/2/2012, 11:23 am

From Rule 5.2:
(d) Any band on the shooting arm (including wrist watches) that are within two (2) inches of the wrist joint. The
term artificial support shall not apply to the "tennis elbow" type strap or band if worn on the forearm no
closer than two inches from the wrist or elbow joint. This rule recognizes that such a strap or band merely
allows a competitor to compete up to their normal ability and offers no advantage to a shooter with no
physical problems.


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Join date : 2011-12-24
Location : Whidbey Island

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forearm band Empty Re: forearm band

Post by Steve B 12/2/2012, 12:23 pm

Brian Zins also had elbow issues and found help using an exercise gyroscope. If you go to Brian's website he has a link to the manufacturer of the gyroscope.

Steve B

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forearm band Empty Re: forearm band

Post by SMBeyer 12/2/2012, 12:35 pm

cool thank you guys, and I will look up the gyroscope


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Age : 52
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forearm band Empty Re: forearm band

Post by Rob Kovach 12/2/2012, 2:23 pm

When I was a mechanic, I would frequently injure my elbow. Sometimes the one that people call "tennis elbow" and other times it would be the "golfers elbow" tendons. The good thing about the arm band is you can use that for hours at a time while doing other stuff. The gyroscope gets the strength back in and helps prevent future injury, but you can't do that non-stop.

I recommend you do both.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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