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Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Jack H
BE Mike
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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by zanemoseley Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:16 pm

I started with just letting my head sit free but have noticed a lot of the military shooters anchoring their chins on their shoulder to a varying degree. I've been experimenting with it while I practice 50 yard slow fire. I could see it tightening everything up but could also see it adding tension in your neck that may not be comfortable for a whole match.


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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by chopper Sat Jul 06, 2019 10:01 pm

I've heard they do that when shooting service pistol. I can see how it would seem to steady the sights. It'd take me a while to learn that stance and position.


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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by BE Mike Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:35 am

I get a crick in my neck just thinking about it.No
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by chopper Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:06 pm

I tried it when I was dry firing this evening, it didn't feel comfortable, might be too late for me to change. I did notice at my last Regional match, I watch an Army shooter use it, he was also leaning back at the waist very substantially.
 I'd like to hear a shooter from the AMU or Marines chime in on this subject.


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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by BE Mike Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:26 am

chopper wrote:I tried it when I was dry firing this evening, it didn't feel comfortable, might be too late for me to change. I did notice at my last Regional match, I watch an Army shooter use it, he was also leaning back at the waist very substantially.
 I'd like to hear a shooter from the AMU or Marines chime in on this subject.
I doubt that the AMU manual suggests such a position, nor the USMC one. I could be wrong, though. That being said, "the school solution" isn't for everyone.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by adminbot1911 Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:17 am

You're right, the USMC doesn't dictate whether their competitors shoulder the pistol or not.  But most of the ones shooting M and HM do.
Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Ssgt_h11

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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by Jack H Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:46 pm

Raising the shoulder to chin is adding reinforcement to the hinge of the shoulder.  Try a 5# weight lift and hold with the shoulder just as a hinge.  Then lift with the whole arm and shoulder.  (Care for the elbow)
Jack H
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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by BE Mike Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:22 am

Jack H wrote:Raising the shoulder to chin is adding reinforcement to the hinge of the shoulder.  Try a 5# weight lift and hold with the shoulder just as a hinge.  Then lift with the whole arm and shoulder.  (Care for the elbow)
I guess I've been away from the sport for too long. Looks like my advice is really dated. That being said, I always followed the advice of those before me who advised that the body should be relaxed except for the hand, arm and shoulder. It got me to NRA Outdoor Master and Distinguished with a 1911 and factory hardball ammo. A one day 2700 is a marathon.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by Outthere Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:05 am

BE Mike wrote:
chopper wrote:I tried it when I was dry firing this evening, it didn't feel comfortable, might be too late for me to change. I did notice at my last Regional match, I watch an Army shooter use it, he was also leaning back at the waist very substantially.
 I'd like to hear a shooter from the AMU or Marines chime in on this subject.
I doubt that the AMU manual suggests such a position, nor the USMC one. I could be wrong, though. That being said, "the school solution" isn't for everyone.
I've never seen that in any manual.

Anyone here remember during one of the "windy" years that a bunch of service shooters built up their gun boxes to hide behind? 

They also had their legs spread as far as possible to lower them out of the wind, making them look like yoga instructors.  Smile

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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by Arthur Wed Jul 24, 2019 9:11 pm

At the Small Arms Firing school I asked a coach specifically about this. He said the intent was to provide consistent alignment of the eye to the sights. I questioned the comfort also, and he responded with "We are machines." 
Nice guys teaching and coaching. Wish I could get more time with them, would not hurt a thing.



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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by Sa-tevp Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:10 pm

Check out the third page in the article below. Alton Dinan Jr tucked in tight.

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Chin on shoulder or free floating head? Empty Re: Chin on shoulder or free floating head?

Post by mikemyers Wed Jul 24, 2019 11:21 pm

Very good reading - thanks for the link.  
April 1964....    wow. 
I think everything I read is as true today as back then, except they didn't have optics in the 60's.

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