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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?

Jon Eulette
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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Empty Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?

Post by Kno3cs 8/2/2019, 6:18 pm

First topic message reminder :

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the forums and I am wondering if the colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite would make a good starter .45 for bullseye. I see the SARO recommended quite frequently but I really like the stainless steel with the blue grips. I’m sure eventually I’ll send it out for a bushing, trigger and accuracy package but right now I’d like to still be able to afford shooting the thing. Would this be a decent 1st 1911 / bullseye gun considering I’m just starting out and so far just shoot a ruger mk iv and 9mm? Thanks, Casey


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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Empty 1911 Frame For .45 ACP & 9mm

Post by Roddy Toyota 8/12/2019, 10:26 pm

Hey Casey,

Using a 1911 lower for both a center fire  pistol and .22 conversion pistol,  can be done easily if fitted by someone that knows what they are doing.  However, using a 1911 lower for both a .45 ACP and a 9mm/.38 Super/38 Special is a potential problem.  Yes, the ejectors must be changed, which is a problem as it's not as easily done as changing the recoil spring, which will also have to be done.  However, the frames of the .45 and the 9mm/38Super/38Special, are dimensionally different.  You might get everything to work okay, but it's a "crap shoot"; and you'll need to have the tools and knowledge to get things to work alibi free.  The feed ramp on a .45 ACP 1911 should be cut at a 31.5° angle at a depth of .350" - .360" deep.  The proper feed ramp of a 1911 9mm/38Super/38Special, feed ramp should be cut at about 26°.  This may seem like a minor difference, but it's critical to proper alibi free functioning.  If you've ever seen one of John Giles or Jim Clark Sr 38 Special conversions, they often added a small bump to the underside of the .38 barrel as an added feed ramp, which helped improve feeding from the magazine, due to the improper feed ramp angles.  This is all a lot more info than I'm sure you ever wanted to hear, but the main point is to stick with what 90% of what the other "good" shooters are doing and don't make things more complicated.  Get some basic pistols and ammo, and practice and shoot matches.
Roddy Toyota
Roddy Toyota

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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?

Post by bob7398 8/13/2019, 6:47 am

Jon Eulette wrote:Bob,
The ejector is different on the 45 vs 9mm. So if you put a 9mm slide on your 45 lower the ejector needs changed to a 9mm ejector for the 9mm slide to fit.
Good to know! Thanks!



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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?

Post by adminbot1911 8/13/2019, 6:51 am

Jon Eulette wrote:Bob,
The ejector is different on the 45 vs 9mm. So if you put a 9mm slide on your 45 lower the ejector needs changed to a 9mm ejector for the 9mm slide to fit.
This, I did not know.  Happier now that I went the route that I did.

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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?

Post by Kno3cs 8/14/2019, 8:54 pm

Thanks guys, I’ll keep it simple for now. Glad I found this forum. Bullseye seems to have a great community willing to help newer shooters.
Best, Casey


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Join date : 2019-07-25

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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?

Post by Kno3cs 9/14/2019, 6:33 am

And she’s finally home! Grips from copper gun grips on the way. (I must say his customer service is top notch) Looking at a primary arms aimpoint clone and of course the new busing, slide stop and kc trigger as my budget allows. The local gun shop said it would be tough to tap the slide because of thickness and tried to sell me on a rail that fits in the rear sight cut. Is this a good idea? I know the slide could be tapped and have found several vendors on here that make great solutions. I like the look of the rock river skirted rail and may go with that. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I plan on mounting on the rear of slide. Thanks! -Casey


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Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Empty Re: Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?

Post by WesG 9/15/2019, 12:13 pm

Why remove the sight at all?Colt series 70 gold cup trophy lite for bullseye?  - Page 2 Img_0014


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