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lighter trigger pull over time

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lighter trigger pull over time Empty lighter trigger pull over time

Post by jakuda 12/30/2012, 10:40 am

Any thoughts on why my 1911 trigger pull is getting lighter over time (say 500-1000 rounds fired)? I can keep adjusting the sear spring but it llooks like the sear spring sear-finger keeps reverting back to a lighter bend?


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lighter trigger pull over time Empty Re: lighter trigger pull over time

Post by Founder 12/30/2012, 12:01 pm

Bending the fingers alone does not make a good adjustment for trigger pull. The pressure needs to come from the base of the spring, compressed by main spring housing. This is were most of the force comes from. Adjusting the curve between the bottom of the fingers and the bottom of the spring will get you a more consistent pressure.


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lighter trigger pull over time Empty Re: lighter trigger pull over time

Post by Al 12/30/2012, 10:19 pm

Yes they can, I've had to replace 2-4 leaf springs due to their losing tension.

When I changed over to a 3 leaf spring the issue hasn't reoccurred.


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lighter trigger pull over time Empty Re: lighter trigger pull over time

Post by tonyg 12/31/2012, 3:15 pm

jakuda wrote:Any thoughts on why my 1911 trigger pull is getting lighter over time (say 500-1000 rounds fired)? I can keep adjusting the sear spring but it llooks like the sear spring sear-finger keeps reverting back to a lighter bend?

Actually Jakuda, I've no Idea... When I bought my Gold Cup in 1971, it had a 3.5 lb pull.

When I gave it to Will O'Hara(in November 2011) for a trigger job, the sear still released at 3.5 lbs.

The trigger pull was by then, quite horrid feeling with lots grating points. I don't know how many

thousands of target rounds had been shot through the pistol.



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Join date : 2012-05-09

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