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Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick

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Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick Empty Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick

Post by toughmandave 9/19/2019, 4:16 pm

I have just been chosen to run a club bullseye shoot.  I am looking for someplace I can get a memory card or memory stick with the calls on it so I can plug it into my bull horn so I don't have to speak all of it.   In other words - "with 5 rounds, load. - is the line ready?  The line is ready."   etc. etc.  Any ideas?   Dave


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Join date : 2019-08-22

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Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick Empty Re: Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick

Post by PhotoEscape 9/19/2019, 4:23 pm

If can plug your phone into bull horn, there are apps for iPhone ( for sure, I have it on mine), and, I presume, you can find it for other platforms too.


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Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick Empty Re: Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick

Post by sharkdoctor 9/19/2019, 4:49 pm

Just recall that commands must be interactive.  If you call "On the line, load"  the Range Officer watches the line to check to see everyone's progress - revolver shooters might be slower, etc.   If someone yells "not ready" they must be accommodated and so on.   Rote recorded commands can cause problems in real matches.


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Join date : 2014-10-16

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Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick Empty Re: Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick

Post by toughmandave 9/19/2019, 5:58 pm

I do not have an i phone - just an android.  There is a good one on i phone but nothing like that on android.  thank you.


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Join date : 2019-08-22

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Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick Empty Re: Looking for a bullseye call out recorded memory card/stick

Post by SteveT 9/19/2019, 6:09 pm

Bullseye Timer is available on android

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