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NRA Sanctioned League Handbook

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NRA Sanctioned League Handbook Empty NRA Sanctioned League Handbook

Post by TonyH 9/26/2019, 1:27 pm

Anyone have a copy (pdf) of the NRA Sanctioned League Handbook that they can share?
Looking on the NRA website, all they provide is a link to an external ISSUU website that has a copy of the handbook dated 2011. The copy on that site is viewable but not downloadable. Interesting that the NRA as the publishing organization has to direct members to external websites to reference a copy of their own publication.....
I called the NRA Competitions Division last week twice and left messages for both the lead person there and also for the person backing them up while they were gone for the World Championship. My messages have not been responded to thus far.
Thanks in advance.

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Join date : 2018-08-06
Location : Utah's Dixie

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