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gun boxes-precision?

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gun boxes-precision? Empty gun boxes-precision?

Post by private citizen 11/25/2011, 11:44 am

Any one know about these?


Everything on the site is marked "0ut of stock"

I was thinking about the "horizontal model" 'cause my box is getting too heavy and awkward. Is this place still in buisiness?

private citizen

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Join date : 2011-08-21

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

Post by Steve B 11/25/2011, 8:22 pm

I'll let you know, I've got 2 coming this way in about a week. I've been using the 4 gun Strong Case, but it's just to big to haul around so I'm getting the 3 gun model from Precision and the 2 gun for my wife.

Steve B

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

Post by BE Mike 11/26/2011, 4:28 pm

I think it is a small operation and they don't seem to stock a lot of product. They are probably sold out because of Christmas. You'll probably have to call and special order the boxes you want.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

Post by Black_Talon 11/26/2011, 4:46 pm

private citizen wrote:Any one know about these?


Everything on the site is marked "0ut of stock"

I was thinking about the "horizontal model" 'cause my box is getting too heavy and awkward. Is this place still in buisiness?

I have that exact box and I love it. Big enough for a couple of scoped guns and your stuff, but not nearly as heavy/bulky as a typical Pachmyer type of box. Extremely well built and finished as well.

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

Post by gulliver62 11/26/2011, 6:15 pm

This is great. I have seen a number of 1-2 gun setups like this. I would like to have one for league night. Also would be great for typical Perry day were you only take 2 guns to the line.

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gun boxes-precision? Empty league

Post by private citizen 11/27/2011, 10:08 am

gulliver62 wrote:This is great. I have seen a number of 1-2 gun setups like this. I would like to have one for league night. Also would be great for typical Perry day were you only take 2 guns to the line.

My thoughts exactly. perfect for league night.

I have only seen positive posts here so I guess the quality, durability, materials are acceptable?

I called the fellow, he just shuts the sight down over the Thanksgiving Holiday. It will be up Monday.

private citizen

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

Post by private citizen 11/27/2011, 10:44 am

Black_Talon wrote:
private citizen wrote:Any one know about these?


Everything on the site is marked "0ut of stock"

I was thinking about the "horizontal model" 'cause my box is getting too heavy and awkward. Is this place still in buisiness?

I have that exact box and I love it. Big enough for a couple of scoped guns and your stuff, but not nearly as heavy/bulky as a typical Pachmyer type of box. Extremely well built and finished as well.

You have the one from "precision", right?

I know some people have one like this from Hebard in the "olden" days but they don't make those anymore?

What can you fit in it besides two guns? and ammo? I would hate to leave my Howard leight ear protectors at home because of space restrictions but will do, cause I am tired of lugging a 5 gun box around, it's not *that* heavy but it is so awkward i bang it into everything no matter how hard I try not to.

private citizen

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

Post by Black_Talon 12/3/2011, 4:25 pm

private citizen wrote:

You have the one from "precision", right?

I know some people have one like this from Hebard in the "olden" days but they don't make those anymore?

What can you fit in it besides two guns? and ammo? I would hate to leave my Howard leight ear protectors at home because of space restrictions but will do, cause I am tired of lugging a 5 gun box around, it's not *that* heavy but it is so awkward i bang it into everything no matter how hard I try not to.

Yes, mine is from "Precisionpistolbox.com". His website shows a Laguna Beach CA location, but the box he sent me was shipped from Lake Havasu City Arizona.

Besides guns and ammo, I carny a set of Peltor Tac Pro muffs, stapler + extra staples, target pasters, a Chapman screwdriver set, my shooting glasses with occluder and Merit disc, an empty container for brass and perhaps something else that I've forgotten to list.

Posts : 207
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Location : SoCal

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

Post by private citizen 12/4/2011, 12:24 pm

Black_Talon wrote:
private citizen wrote:

You have the one from "precision", right?

I know some people have one like this from Hebard in the "olden" days but they don't make those anymore?

What can you fit in it besides two guns? and ammo? I would hate to leave my Howard leight ear protectors at home because of space restrictions but will do, cause I am tired of lugging a 5 gun box around, it's not *that* heavy but it is so awkward i bang it into everything no matter how hard I try not to.

Yes, mine is from "Precisionpistolbox.com". His website shows a Laguna Beach CA location, but the box he sent me was shipped from Lake Havasu City Arizona.

Besides guns and ammo, I carny a set of Peltor Tac Pro muffs, stapler + extra staples, target pasters, a Chapman screwdriver set, my shooting glasses with occluder and Merit disc, an empty container for brass and perhaps something else that I've forgotten to list.


I will give Santa the final go ahead.

private citizen

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Join date : 2011-08-21

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gun boxes-precision? Empty Re: gun boxes-precision?

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