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Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP

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Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP Empty Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP

Post by Al W. 10/5/2019, 9:48 pm

I see that Springfield is offering a Cali. Compliant "loaded" model in Stainless.
Seems like thats an up graded RO.
Is there some detail of the Cali Compliance that I want to avoid.
I want that target sight and prefer the SS over the Parker finish.
Al W.
Al W.

Posts : 77
Join date : 2019-04-09

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Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP Empty Re: Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP

Post by Jon Eulette 10/5/2019, 11:02 pm

SS is the enemy. Don't go there. It galls.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Location : Southern Kalifornia

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Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP Empty Re: Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP

Post by LenV 10/5/2019, 11:57 pm

I've never had a SS pistol gall. I have heard horror stories but never seen it. Since my pistols are usually shot dripping oil it will probably never happen. Half inch SS bolts a totally different story. I've got pretty good at snapping them in half to take apart.


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Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP Empty Re: Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP

Post by Jon Eulette 10/6/2019, 12:08 am

Over the years I've seen many. Even loose pistols that galled. The 80's Colts were horrible. I've repaired newer SA pistols also. Maybe it's a California thing lol.
I dont mind SS lower with a Carbon slide.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Location : Southern Kalifornia

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Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP Empty Re: Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP

Post by Al W. 10/6/2019, 3:39 pm

I have a DW Pointman 9 in SS.
No Galling.
I think of galling as seizing/grabbing .
Are you referring to in inclination to grab that results in loss of material ?
Wouldn't oil be the cure for that , especially in the tolerances we're talking about ?
I tend to run my guns wet on the rails.
Would that not be the solution to the problem ?
Al W.
Al W.

Posts : 77
Join date : 2019-04-09

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Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP Empty Re: Springfield Armory Range Office vs. Loaded (California Compliant) 45 ACP

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