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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety... Empty Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

Post by Chris_D Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:26 am

Hi folks,

I finally got to shoot the new range officer - shoots good. Not being able to focus my eyes for open sights, can't really speak for its accuracy. The first thing I noticed right away is the beavertail grip safety - I don't like the bump on it. My Clark longslide has a smooth surface and it feels much better. Where can I find a replacement?

The gun had some trouble ejecting but I suspect that had more to do with the stiff spring and target ammo. I ordered springs this morning to tinker with that problem.

The trigger, while it seemed light when I was trying it in the showroom turned out to be a bit heavier than I like. It is a nice clean break trigger which I like, just needs to be lightened.

The barrel to bushing fit is a bit loose probably need that taken care of. The barrel to frame fit is better than my Clark and so is the slide to frame (Much better than my clark).

Still deciding on which scope mount but once I decide that I will have to send it off to a smith for the work.



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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety... Empty Re: Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

Post by Rob Kovach Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:35 pm

you can swap the Grip safety on the RO with any standard grip safety. I'm pretty sure all the parts are standard interchangeable parts on the RO.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety... Empty Re: Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

Post by Founder Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:01 am

Grind, file, sand, sand blast and reblue the safety. I think the Springfield uses the .250 radius grip safety? Verify first. There are two different types of beaver tail cuts if I recall Springfield then all the others!

The one benefit of this is you can shape the grip safety to your comfort and grip.

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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety... Empty Re: Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

Post by Rob Kovach Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:06 am

I will defer to Joe on this one. Since I am thrifty, I like his idea better!
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety... Empty Re: Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

Post by Bryan Coyle Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:33 am

Grip safety on the RO with any standard grip safety
I think the Springfield uses the .250 radius grip safety? Verify first.
Springfield's have always used a .220 radius grip safety - the .250 is a Wilson/Caspian cut. Unless the Range Officer is a complete departure from the rest of their line, you need a .220 to adequately make a neat fit with the tangs.
See link options for each cut ...

Bryan Coyle

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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety... Empty Re: Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

Post by Chris_D Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:59 am

I really didn't think about shaping my existing safety. Should be easy enough to do, I have a mill, belt sander, dremel tool, etc.




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Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety... Empty Re: Springfield Range Office - need to replace grip safety...

Post by Founder Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:54 am

Thanks for correcting me Bryan. I was sitting in a hotel room and did not have the info on the top of my head which used which radius, I just remember Springfield was different than most.


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Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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