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lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang

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lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Empty lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang

Post by Jack H Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:46 am

Here is one way to remove the lead from your chamber.
lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Leadhead3_zpsd52768ec
lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Leadhead2_zpsf9e39337
lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Leadhead1_zpsa9474eec
This is from my Nighthawk conversion. I was doing some trigger time with junk ammo. Not really watching the target results, just paying attention to the dot sight. A shot went foof with a bunch of smoke rather than bang like normal. I pulled out the next chambered round as you see it. The barrel was clear and following shots were ok. (BTW-Most of the shots were in the 25yd TF 10 ring all along)

Looking at the shape and contour of the lead scrap, do you see any significant thing about the chamber?
Jack H
Jack H

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Age : 75
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lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Empty Re: lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang

Post by Al Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:29 am

Wow Jack!
Makes me think a bit more seriously about scrubbing out my chambers and bore's.


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lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Empty Re: lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang

Post by fredw4 Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:44 pm

I'm not sure what you are getting at with your question, Jack. Other than that there could still be some more pieces of lead in there because it is jagged at the top. Did it all come out or did some break off? Is, or rather was, the lead in the chamber resizing the bullet before it got into the barrels rifleing? This is very interesting.


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lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Empty Re: lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang

Post by Jack H Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:59 pm

The straight appearing extension of the scrap lead makes me wonder if the chamber is too long before the leade, or throat.
Jack H
Jack H

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Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 75
Location : Oregon

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lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang Empty Re: lead in chamber, or the previous shot went foof, not bang

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