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"Pending" Precision Pistol National Records

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"Pending" Precision Pistol National Records Empty "Pending" Precision Pistol National Records

Post by noalibis.mary Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:15 pm

Since NRA National Records are NOT being updated (I have personally submitted 9 of the 10 initially listed at the following link, still "pending NRA approval" since at least 2017) the NJPistol website would like to provide a resource for Match Directors, and for those remarkable individuals firing scores that should be recognized!

Please check the link at http://www.njpistol.net/PendingNationalRecords.pdf and if you have information about more scores that should be listed, please contact me so I can include them!


Posts : 67
Join date : 2019-02-15
Location : New Jersey


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