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different reset = different pull ?

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different reset = different pull ? Empty different reset = different pull ?

Post by Merick Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:29 pm

What goes on that trigger pull after resetting hammer with slide feels different than trigger pull after thumbing the hammer back?
different reset = different pull ? Cleardot


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different reset = different pull ? Empty Re: different reset = different pull ?

Post by Tim:H11 Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:10 am

I assume we’re talking about a 1911- When you pull the hammer back to cock the pistol the only thing that’s really happening is the the hammer rotating and the sear rides over the face of the hammer and drops into the fully cocked sear notch. The disconnector kind of stays put. When the slide is actuated the disconnector is pushed down, the hammer rotates and catches the sear like before, but the disconnector now rides back into its position. The difference you feel is the difference between the disconnector staying in one place sort of and the disconnector “naturally” going back to where’s its truly supposed to be. Think of a powder measure. You wouldn’t tap it to make the powder settle and overfill the cavity... you’d run the powder drop/measure normally and let the cavity naturally fill and take weights based on how that operation works for consistency. It’s about keeping things the same. The gun behaves differently when handled differently. Hope this helps.

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